Just wanted to give a word of warning for the contents of this comic:
If you happen to have issues of depictions of Death, Murder, Self-harm, Depression, Loss, or even just Heartbreak, this comic may not be intended for you and there is no shame in you passing up on this story. If you do not mind a story that touches on those topics, then please do stick around as Numskull's backstory is unfolded.
If for some reason you find that you want to read ahead (or just want to see free WIPs), I do post things pretty regularly to ko-fi.com/impistry
I also have a main website for the comic over on asoulslament.webcomic.ws/ (Tapas is my mirror of the main comic site)
This series is a prequel to Side Quest, and follows our rather quiet but passionate 2ft tall Irish Gentleman Skeleton named Numskull, and his backstory from start to finish. This story is best summed up as a story about Love, Death, and Loss.
As a word of warning, the themes of this comic contain the following: Death, Murder, Self-harm, Depression, Trauma, Loss, and Heartbreak. So if you can not handle heavier topics (even when not graphically depicted), this comic may not be for you, and I would proceed with caution if you do choose to delve into the comic itself.
If you wish to see behind the scenes content as the story is being crafted, please follow https://ko-fi.com/impistry or subscribe to be alerted when this series updates.Read more
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