The waiter brought several more dishes, placing them in front of Murakami. Noticing the slight bewilderment in the girl's eyes, Asia hurried to explain herself:
- Oh, that! My thanks! I told you I'd treat you, and you only chose tea, so I took the liberty of choosing food as well.…
And Murakami once again thought how sweet she was to the point of impossibility. And she couldn't help but smile.
- Okay, thank you, brave girl.
Asia, picking up a tomato and putting it in her mouth, surreptitiously watched Murakami. She's so good with chopsticks! And her every move is so harmonious. And it's also so funny that she chooses celery more – she didn't have anyone from acquaintances and friends who loved celery at all! When she ordered, she did not think to thoroughly study the full composition of the dishes, but, thank the universe, her goddess liked her choice! It made her want to dance under the table.
Murakami thought it would be quite awkward, but surprisingly, she and Kitty had a lot to talk about! She did not think that Asia was so fond of chatting with unfamiliar people, and had such a broad outlook. She herself did not notice how the second course was replaced by the first course, and then more tea, and more.
Yuu suddenly spoke up, looking a little tortured:
- Um, I have to go now.…
Murakami imperceptibly glanced at her watch and was stunned — have they been sitting here for more than two hours?! For the first time in her life, she was so lost in time, just having a pleasant conversation! It became awkward. And she got up.
- Yes, indeed. Let's wrap it up. I'll be right there.
- Ah, ah... - Asia only drawled, not expecting to be abruptly pulled out of this pleasant pastime. She quickly turned to Yu:
- What are you doing? It's going so well!
Yuu chuckled, looking skeptically at her friend, but said nothing. It's funny, but now she has felt firsthand what it means when you go for a walk with a dating couple — it's still a "pleasure", to be honest!
They went to the exit. Asia lingered at the bar.
- Wait, I'll pay, and let's go.
Suddenly, Murakami delicately touched her bare shoulder. From this touch, Asia's heart sank down somewhere, goosebumps ran through her body. She froze, staring at the girl in surprise.
- I paid, everything is fine. Let's go! - Murakami smiled, and they went outside.
- What? Why? - Asia was confused, - it was I who invited you! I had to pay!
- M-m, - Murakami thought for a couple of moments, and then said with a smile, looking directly at Asia, - and this is gratitude in return for gratitude!
- What else is this?! - Asia was indignant, feeling how her cheeks were still burning, and how pleased she was to hear Murakami's soft laughter.
To be honest, Murakami was just worried about Yuu, who was stuck here with them with such a face that she was about to die. If her cousin found out about this, Murakami would be in trouble. So it was a kind of payback for the time spent. And they didn't eat for some fabulous amount — this is one, and it was very nice to treat a Kitty — this is two.
They left the cafe. A pleasant fresh coolness filled the air. On the wide street, flooded with the rays of the evening sun, passers-by were bustling briskly, hurrying about their business. The breeze stirred the green leaves on the gnarled trees, making them rustle softly.
- Well, I'm going that way, - Murakami said when they reached the fork in the road just five minutes after they left the cafe, - see you!
And just as she was moving in her direction, Asia suddenly grabbed her by the sleeve of the sweatshirt that Yuu had returned to her a little earlier. Murakami stared with interest at the confused Kitty for some reason. And Asia suddenly blurted out:
- G-give! Your phone number!..
Murakami was surprised. Wow, the kitty is so friendly, she wants to make friends with her too! After all, they really had a very pleasant time talking. Anyway, Murakami didn't mind and gave her the phone number.
Asia walked home almost skipping. She was talking to her! She was smiling at her! And she also got her phone number! Asia clutched her phone in her hand, fighting the urge to text her right now. But she didn't want to seem too intrusive, so she decided to wait at least a couple of hours, and only then wish, for example, good night.
Murakami also found herself in no less strange feelings, looking at the Kitty's name and phone number on the bright screen. There was such a cute photo in her messenger — she was beaming, grabbing and squeezing her sparring partner's neck with her elbow. His face was so funny and Asia's face was so happy that Murakami couldn't help but laugh a little. She wanted to write her something. But what? "Thanks for the evening"? Murakami sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose. It's like being grateful for a date is too weird. Her shy glances began to come to mind, with what interest she looked at Murakami, and how shy she was when asking for a phone number.
- Ugh, what a cute kitty… If I were a guy, I would definitely hit on her.…
Murakami scrolled through the news feed to distract herself from the beautiful kitty, but after a few minutes her finger was already typing in the search for "sex of two girls." And it's not that Murakami didn't know. She had seen similar videos, but somehow she had not studied them carefully before, finding interest in something else. And now she was looking at the photos that the search had given her with a strange shudder. A second later, she found herself watching a pornographic video. Two skinny girls were lying on the couch and kissing.
- Oh.
Murakami took a deep breath, quickly closing the video and flipping the phone away. He thinks about some stupid things. To want a straight woman who is generally busy! Just try to seduce her for once? Why, Murakami is a virgin herself! I've never even kissed anyone! And it was still strange to realize that she had a crush on a girl, considering that other girls did not arouse such passion in her. It seems that it's all about Asia. What is it called? Pansexuality? When a partner is chosen based on personal qualities and emotions received from communicating with him. And Murakami was too good with Asia, and it was scary. The girl, taking another breath, got up and splashed into the shower — she needed to cool her body and put her thoughts in order.
After a contrast shower, she collapsed on a leather sofa, not taking the phone, thinking that she could climb back to watch all sorts of vulgar videos, and tried to fall asleep.
Asia was sitting on her bed, looking at Murakami's profile in the messenger. To her great regret, there was a picture of the book. The girl glanced at her watch—it was ten o'clock in the evening. Can she write to her? And she drummed her fingers on the electronic keyboard of the phone in excitement.
- Thanks for today. Good night.
At first, she put three hearts at the end of the message, but then she shyly erased them by sending them like this. The message went away, but was not read. Asia stared at the chat window with a sinking heart, but nothing happened. Had her goddess gone to bed already? Or is he planning to ignore her altogether? Then why was she smiling so sweetly at her today, and laughing so contagiously, seducing her with her voice? Asia stretched out on her huge bed, sighing and closing her eyes. No, no, she needs to charm her, she has quite a chance!
Asia picked up the phone again, and typed in the search bar "how to seduce a girl" and involuntarily flushed when she saw what pictures the search engine gave her. Her gaze caught on a girl with big breasts and short hair, who was sitting on the face of another girl. Asia's body burst into flames. She didn't realize how she poked her finger at the picture, and the video started downloading.
The video has long since ended, and the phone went out. And Asia, stretched out on white sheets, fantasized how Murakami was lying next to her now and gently hugging her to her chest, satisfied with their love games.
- I want such a toy…
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