James 4:17 (~49): "If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn't do it, it is sin for them."
We often hear the quote, the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing, or something of that sort. What happens to the US if people, the youth in particular, choose not to vote, and allow greed to triumph?
2024 marks a pivotal year, and this graphic novel shows the end result of what a Trump election may mean for the US in another 15-20 years. Unintentional, but the novel is equal parts "Idiocracy" (Mike Judge) & "The Apprentice" (Ali Abbasi).
The main character, who would have been 18 in 2024, is a conservative (unlike most of the artists and authors of this work) coming to grips with the fact that he's made a mistake throughout his life by supporting the Trumps. He's also made a mistake either not voting or voting 3rd party in previous elections in the face of a party that has been hijacked by a family run by members who put their own greed and self interest over that of the country, repeatedly.
It's too late to defeat them from within the party, both now and in 2040, but is it too late to convince the remaining Americans to vote for the most authentic of "good ol' boys" the democrats could find in their counter-southern strategy, last-ditch effort to defeat the Trump-Machine at what may be the end of times?
Find out and enjoy the ride.
Encourage your friends, siblings, strangers on the fence and 3rd party enthusiasts to read & vote.
John Stuart Mill (1847): "Let not any one pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part, and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing."
It's the year 2040 and Eric Trump is running for reelection against Democratic upstart, Ruthus Baynard.
Baynard is an uncultured, "hillbilly" and symbolic of the desparate times we're living in. After 15 consecutive years of a Trump Dynasty, America is a very different place.
Our protagonist is a former Trump supporter, coming to grips with the fact that he must vote for a democrat for the 1st time, to save America, & trying to convince others. Read on to find out what happens in TRUMP-WORLD!
This is the graphic novel version of the latest short-story from T.Ramsees, ツェマアジ ラ゚ムズィ, et al. available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble or wherever books are sold.
Artists are Hannah, Lucy, Mina, Adel, Rose and T.Ramsees
Check your voter registration at https://iwillvote.com/Read more
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