The three tails of the whip carved through the air and bit into Argo’s back, sending a spray of torn skin and blood onto the whipping block he kneeled upon. He gripped hard against the two wooden handles in front of him, stopping himself from collapsing under the strike. A man stood by his side making sure that he didn’t faint from the beating.
The whip's tongues left the bloody mess that was Argo’s back and as they were brought down again he was forced to remind himself that he was the cause for what was happening to him. He was in the centre of a stadium, around him laughed and cheered hundreds of faceless spectators. As the whip smashed back down into his back cheers erupted through the crowd. He had no excuse. Should they wish him pain who was he to refuse? He knew he had caused far worse. His vision blurred, sweat and blood crowded around his face, mixing together as they slowly dripped down across one of his eyes forcing it shut. He looked up, back into the crowd, he could make out Dalton's face. How many just like him had he killed in the name of revenge? As the whip crashed down again all he could do was accept it, there was no taking back what he had done. He could only move forward.
* * *
“We should be on our way.” Nyx’s voice roused Argo from the sleep he had felt trapped within. He shot upwards, planting his arms behind him to rest upon. Sweat lined his brow, his breathing was quick, ragged and inconsistent. It had simply been a dream. He moved his hands to feel along his back, he had his fair share of whip scars there, however they had been received during his apprenticeship. What he had seen was nothing but a dream. “Argo?”
He looked around, they were in a forest. They had set up camp here the night before, their third day of travelling. Luckily no more rain had come down during their journey except for that first night and they were making good progress on their way towards the edge of the Eastern province. “Yeah, let’s pack up camp.”
Argo had found no luck in getting Nyx to come further out of her shell since their first day. She would occasionally speak, most frequently about her horse. However, whenever he tried to draw her into a conversation she responded curtly and quiet brewed between them.
Whilst the two moved about camp, gathering their personal items and stashing them in their horse's various bags and satchels the embers of their campfire dwindled. The sky above them was still dark, Nyx had taken second watch, and she knew it was best to be on the road before sunrise. As Argo finished packing he felt a slight tap on his shoulder. Nyx was behind him, a map in her spare hand.
“So, where are we heading?” She asked, leading him over to the stump of a tree and unfurling the map across its surface. By the side of the stump she had placed her two parted belt and the various weapons she typically had connected to it. It was a well detailed map of both the Southern and Eastern provinces, though it only extended as far as the Central province, ignoring the other half of the Viril Empire. Nyx lightly tapped the paper towards the deep end of the Eastern province yet still close to the southern border.
“I take it that's where we are?” She nodded. “Then we need to head further east today.” He crouched down by her side, hovering just above her shoulder. He reached past her and pointed to a small city on the map, due further east than where they currently were, yet continuing towards the hills which sat just beyond the border of the empire. Towards his old home. “We should head here to Galad, we need to find a Knower before we get to the mountains. There definitely won’t be one out there.”
“Sounds like a plan.” She let go of the ends of the map and it furled back up into its typical rolled state. The two parted and she equipped her weapons as he mounted his horses. “Is there a reason we didn’t ask one of the other guild members to join us? One who was a Knower?”
“Yeah, they aren’t smart that bunch. I’m sure you’ve managed to pick that up by now. Certainly not smart enough to help me track down a man who has been missing for the better part of a decade. Galli? He may have been able to, Master too. But the others?” He shook his head, they weren’t proficient enough, at least not in the skills needed to find the man he was after. He waited for a moment, thinking that Nyx may ask a follow up question, though when he met her face she seemed content. “Let’s get going then.” He lightly kicked his horse’s underbelly before apologising to his thighs for the journey he was about to undergo.
* * *
“Stop!” A voice in the distance shouted. To Argo and Nyx’s ears the sound was barely audible, whoever had screamed was too far in the distance. They shared a quick glance before turning back to the road ahead of them and urging their horses onwards. They were only another hour or so of hard riding away from Galad, it was smarter to refrain from interacting with others in this forest primed for bandits to attack them.
From the same direction of the voice, they began to hear quickly approaching footsteps. Second by second they grew louder, closer. Argo looked at Nyx, her face was strained with the same worry he felt was covering his own. He called to her to pick up the pace and both whipped their horse's reins, speeding up through the hilly terrain towards the base of the mountain Galad had been built upon. Leaves rustled overhead, however, as Argo lifted his head to see what was causing it he could see nothing other than the faint after effects of wind carrying a group of leaves.
“You two, Stop!” The voice called, it was closer now. How was this man gaining distance on them? Was he on horseback? Surely not, Argo could’ve sworn he had heard footsteps approaching.
“Bandits?” Nyx asked, looking towards Argo as their horses leapt over an overgrown tree root. The footsteps grew closer.
“Must be, do we keep running?” There were always at least three options one could take when dealing with bandits. To fight, run or surrender. Argo was lost for which to take, although it seemed running was proving futile and he was not about to surrender.
Argo looked towards Nyx as she shook her head. Her right hand slid up behind her head, grabbing her loose hair which hung like a cloud behind her back and quickly tying it back into a bun. As she did this Winston slowed down, Argo took the moment to pull on the reins of his horse, bringing it to a halt.
“Please, wait!” The voice screamed forward, it was close now, what had once been barely audible now sounded as if it came from just a hundred meters away.
“Stop where you are,” Nyx shouted back, leaping from the back of Winston and marching through the dead leaves which littered the ground. Her hair bun bobbed slightly as she moved towards the origin of the voice. “Declare yourself.” Her voice was deep and heavy, far different to how she had sounded during the few conversations she had had with Argo. She stood in front of him, her hand on the hilt of her sheathed side sword, armourless and yet imposing. For the first time since meeting her, she seemed to be able to carry the strength expected of an initiated member of the guild.
“I-.” The voice began, the footsteps ceasing at Nyx’s command. “My name is Ryle Miss.” A tremor in his voice reduced any of the latent fear which Argo had, this was no bandit. “Please, help me.” The voice was light, yet clearly still spoken by an adult, though a young one.
“Come here,” Argo growled at him. This was a delay that he didn’t really have time for. Having whoever this kid was less confident walking into it could only be a benefit. He looked towards the source of the voice and quickly heard a scurrying of footsteps.
“Hello.” The man came out from behind a few layers of trees and bushes. He wore a simple button up shirt and trousers. Boots which seemed well made for hiking. His dirty blond hair was covered in sticks and leaves. His face had several dirt smears, as did many both his pants and shirt. Attached to his belt was a book holster, which held one with thick leather covers and along his back sat a lute. “I’m so sorry to bother you.” He held his hands down to his knees and bowed slightly, his hair flipping downwards and covering his eyes as he stood back up. “But I’m being chased and I need your help.”
Argo’s eyes widened slightly, however before he could speak Nyx began. “Whose chasing you, and why?” Her voice dripped with suspicion, a fair response given the circumstances. Many bandits would use this as an opportunity to strike unsuspecting travellers who had been giving them a ride.
“I don’t know. Some bandits are.” He paused, panting slightly, Argo eyed him, how had this man outpaced two well travelled horses? The man who called himself Ryle reached to his side, grabbing the book out of its holster. “I live in Galad.” He began, still panting. “But recently the ruins of an old city were found two days' walk towards the Central province, I heard that it had a book on music and I just had to get my hands on it. For some reason a day ago they began to chase me, maybe they think I have something more valuable than this on me? But I really don’t know.”
Argo shared a look with Nyx. It would be better if they simply let him be on his own. “How many people are following you?” Argo asked, if it was just one then perhaps he could be a useful source of information within Galad, maybe he would know where they could find someone to help them.
“Eight.” He responded nearly instantly, not taking a moment to think or remember. It was surprising seeing someone out of the guild with such a memory, the guards Argo had been around for the greater part of the past few months would’ve had a hard time with that. Though maybe such a memory did befit one who would bother going two days simply for a book on music.
“Terrin.” Nyx began, using a fake name that they had earlier agreed to go by. Her tone demanded attention and he pulled closer to her before turning away from Ryle. “Eight bandits? It’s not worth our time, he can clearly run fast, let’s just book it.” He nodded.
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