YALL check out this SICKNASTY GUEST ART I got from DarkChibiShadow!! I've done art for DCS' comic Solanaceae before, and this time around, we did a trade! If you'd like to see my part, check out Solanaceae! And then read the whole series multiple times like I have!!!
tapas.io/series/Solanaceae solanaceaeprologue.thecomicseries.com/
[This series contains depictions of sexual acts, consumption of various substances, violence, and explicit language, this comic is for people aged 18 and older] Famous rivals, Alastair Lee and Bo Sun-Bardawulf, keep ending up in situations where they have to deal with each other. It really ramps up when they decide to pretend to be dating. How long are they really going to keep up the act, though?
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