It's time to head to Rudy's because who can hunt for kidnapped kids on an empty stomach, right?
Also apologies for the massive break between chapters, turns out doing 4 years of art school with an in between year of full time work actually massively burns you out, who'd had thought? The past half year has been a big mental health break too and now that I've got my own plans and schedule sorted again, let's truly get this show on the road!
The bright pink contrast of the burger patty makes me wonder if something's up with it. Like, is it actually beef? And has it even been introduced to the grill? (Honestly, though, I would still probably eat it even if the answer to both those questions is no - I'm just gross like that.)
Murdock Lynch only asks from life that it leaves her alone - she's done fighting battles that she was never meant to be a part of.
But in a new world where cannibalism is industrialised and cybernetic limbs are the latest craze, she's forced out of early retirement to play the good guy when the events of her past start to repeat in the present.
And maybe now it's time to start taking out those at the top of the food chain.Read more
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