The next morning, when everyone else was in pajamas...
Alpine[Black] glanced around the room, ensuring that no prying eyes or ears were nearby before taking Harris aside privately.
Alpine[Black]: Harris... we've known each other for years since the space crew recruitment exercise... and... I know you're an Impostor but you don't hurt people... can I please trust that you will not freak out?... I'm... a Shapeshifter...
Harris[Yellow]: *giggling* You silly old shifter, of course, I won't freak out! We're friends!
A wave of relief washed over Alpine as Harris's reaction reassured her.
Alpine[Black]: Thank goodness. It's such a relief to finally share this with someone I trust.
For the first time in years, a genuine smile graced Alpine's face, lifting the weight of secrecy that had burdened her for so long... a smile suited her scarred face...
Alpine[Black]: In that case, let's use our abilities to hunt down the bad eggs, shall we old friend?
Harris nodded eagerly, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he embraced the opportunity to work alongside Alpine in uncovering the impostors among them.
Meanwhile, as Alpine[Black] and Harris[Yellow] shared their secret conversation, Ryan[Red] couldn't help but overhear snippets of their exchange as he lay in bed, faking his sleep. His keen senses picked up on their hushed tones and the earnestness in their voices.
Ryan[Red] listened carefully, piecing together the puzzle of their conversation. As Alpine revealed her true nature as a Shapeshifter and Harris affirmed his trust in her, a sense of relief washed over Ryan.
Ryan[Red]: *thinking to himself* Looks like those two might not be dangerous... to us humans at least... they're off my Suspects list. I can trust them.
With a weight lifted off his shoulders, Ryan felt a renewed sense of confidence in his crewmates. Despite the chaos and suspicion swirling around them, he knew that Alpine and Harris were allies he could rely on in the fight against the impostors.
Armed with this newfound clarity, Ryan resolved to focus his attention on identifying the true threats lurking among them.
Later, Harris[Yellow] and Alpine[Black] set out to clean up the vents, their mission took on a dual purpose. While ensuring the ventilation system remained in top condition, they also seized the opportunity to discreetly install microscopic security cameras linked directly to their phones. This ingenious plan would allow them to monitor any suspicious activity without alerting the impostors.
With their task at hand, Harris and Alpine got to work, maneuvering through the narrow passages of the vents with practiced ease. As they scrubbed and dusted, they shared stories and sang songs, their voices echoing softly through the metal corridors.
Alpine[Black]: ♪ "I remember the first time I shape-shifted into a space pigeon. Oh, the looks I got from the crew!"
Harris[Yellow]: *chuckling* "Oh, I bet that was a sight to behold! You know, I once accidentally vented into the wrong room during a game of hide-and-seek. Let's just say it didn't end well for me!"
Their laughter filled the air as they swapped tales of their adventures and mishaps aboard the different Skelds. Despite the gravity of their situation, they found solace in each other's company, their camaraderie strengthening with every shared moment.
Alpine[Black]: ♪ "And then there was that time I shape-shifted into a space plant to hide from a particularly persistent crewmate. Let's just say I'm not the best at playing 'hide-and-seek.'"
Harris[Yellow]: *grinning* "Ah, but you're a pro at cleaning vents! And with these security cameras in place, we'll catch those impostors in no time!"
Their voices melded together in harmony as they continued their work, the rhythm of their cleaning brushes matching the beat of their shared laughter. Amid their task, Harris and Alpine found comfort in each other's presence, knowing that together, they were a formidable team against the impostors threatening their crewmates' safety.
It's a normal day on the Skeld. Ryan[Red] was being his "Captainy" self, bossing the crew around, Ben[Blue] was fixing lights, Orange[Darcy] was charting the course of direction, Clarice[Pink] was mopping the cafeteria, Diggory[Brown] and Harris[Yellow[IMPOSTOR]] were casually being idiots, Wells[White[IDK what on earth he is]] was doing something with the reactor, and Alpine[Black] was shapeshifting into a box to hide from the crewmates[Shapeshifters are not harmful to humans in this AU, but humans think shapeshifters are evil], Maddie[Maroon], Rupert[Rose], Leonard[Lime] and Drake[Dark green] were being their evil Impostor selves...
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