Mrs. Jackson, we send this letter to infor you that you have been accepted to SHB, a school of half-breeds, humans with powers, and magical creatures. We hope that we did not startle you with our means of transportation. "...half-breeds? Powers? Magical...creatures?!" Tyrese exclaimed. "Hmm, go on.." It is located in Oak forest, Canada. Remember this: IN Oak Forest, not NEAR Oak Forest. You will probably notice it from your train, but- "Train?" sometimes it is...well, hidden. To get there you must jump off your train. "What?!" We´ve enclosed your ticket in the envelope, and the train station is station number 19. We hope you accept this invitation, and I hope you join our school.
Forsythia Dune
From the office of Headmastress Forsythia Dune
And then there was a fancy-looking seal. Tyrese gaped at the letter, confused by such a ridiculous letter. This can´t be possible.....can it? Hmm...let´s look for the ticket..
Tyrese half expected there to be no ticket, just a note that said ´PRANKED!´ But as she flipped the envelope upside down, a small, red ticket fell out, and Tyrese gasped.
It appeared legit, butwas it? Perhaps it was a printed copy. Tyrese checked it, but she found no trace of a printing machine.
"Sheesh, this lady´s generous!"
She moved the ticket around in her hand, and she felt something. "Wha-"
Tyrese Jackson, a 16 year old with a unusual power gets a letter, telling her to go to a school in Canada. The strange part is that the school does not look normal! Tyrese enters, meeting a boy named Alex, whom aids her, and befriends her. But little does Tyrese know, that this school is for magical beings. And little does she know, that she has a power nobody else has. This power is the strongest of all. But this power could also be a curse....after all, everything comes with consequences.
-"The most difficult thing is to act,
The rest is merely tenacity.
The fears are paper tigers.
You can do anything you decide to do.
You can act to change and control your life;
and the procedure,
the process is its own reward."
-Amelia EarhartRead more
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