Rassie is sitting in her office, scanning different forms of data about the under regions of THE POTATO DISTRICT. The office is filled with different paper work, and old analog devices. Although most surveillance had since gone digital.
RASSIE: (Holding the cell phone.) Ah yes, I see. So there is a large crowd at the "barbershop." Can I have your phone number, so I can call you back?
The barbershop was actually a front. Behind the section where employees did their cuts, was a mini-stadium, populated by different "War Dog" models. Nadine visited the place from time to time, after gaining trust from Malcolm.
MALCOLM: So you're telling me, so haven't heard of war dogs?
NADINE: Not exactly, I have always wanted to make robot dogs, but only in the context of having a pet.
MALCOLM: What are you wanting exactly, a video game tutorial?
NADINE: Nah, a run down of how they work.
Cut TO
Slephner's dog attacks Malcolm's dog. Malcolm's dog loses one of its ears, but still has fight left inside the operating system.
MALCOLM: Lost technology, nobody knows exactly how they were built. And the military wont say anything.
NADINE: That sucks man!
MALCOLM: I know right?
officer tanks fill the parking lot till it could be filled no more.
Rassie, a dream-scanner, approaches the door of the barbershop.
She knocks on the door, not expecting an answer. Then she the eye latch opens.
MALCOLM: What's the pass phrase doc?
RASSIE: Isn't that a bit overkill?
MALCOLM: Why use a pass word, when you can use a pass phrase?
RASSIE: Let us in, and I'm calling your parents.
SCENE 4 – Alleyway
Nadine is limping. She remembered how the war dogs malfunctoned, leading the militarized cops to raid the barbershop. Ellen helped her stand up, while they went to find safety.
NADINE: What happened to Malcolm and Slephner?ELLEN: Don't worry, we're going to be fine. What did Rassie mean by your mother was waiting for you?
NADINE: It's a long story, but in short, I came from the city in the sky. You might think I'd want to go back home. But you'd be wrong. ... I'd rather rot.
ELLEN: But can you trust us, and especially me?
NADINE: It looks like I have no other choice.
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