I think this is mostly a me problem when I have so many different names for different reasons because gender presentation is just wack. I do try to go by Mr. Last Name when I am working when possible.
… Ah. The problems of not knowing what the even hell gender is. I use any pronouns, I live that I present androgynous, but I hate that if I wear a white button up I look too masc, and I still have fem… parts.
I have so many As but none of them are on my report card. A comic about my problems and life for free therapy because I can't afford anti-depressants. Hey, maybe you have the same problems and can relate, or you are here to witness this non-functioning person do things. Other A problems include Anxiety, Autism, ADHD, Ambivert, Anger and Aggressive.
Updates whenever I feel like it, because that's how I can not function right now.Read more
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