This will be a loose glossary of terms encountered throughout the work, for people to refer back to on an as needed basis. Some of these are arc specific, while others are present across story arcs:
Hemato's Arc
Post Decapitation Stress Disorder (PDSD) – A mutation of post traumatic stress disorder, involving the victim surviving decapitation, remembering the guillotine going through their necks, and after being acquitted–their apparent crime purged, they still remember the horror of being accused of something they didn't do, or did under mitigating circumstances.
Bio-cyborg – A cyborg where the prosthetic parts are grown from the MC's own tissue cells, rather than using biologically inert material. Anna-Marie becomes a bio-cyborg later, after society advanced in terms of regrowing human bodies.
Guillotine Gun – An evolution of the 1870s Berger model decapitation machine, designed for quick and mobile public beheadings, without the need for a trial. Based on a similar advancement path, guillotine guns will likely transport themselves, in order to hunt for victims to decapitate.
Inverse-Anachronism – Modern Stasis is one example, where society evolves at a snails pace, rather than super quickly. But generally the anachronism isn't so much retro-futuristic, is in some case directly counter to futurism.
Nihongo-Francaise – A natural meta-language family do to French sailors and Japanese women merged their languages. English would later be permanently influenced by it, eroding the rest of the West German heritage.Nihoncainglish – A variety of English spoken by practitioners of Nihongo-Francaise.
Body-Regrowth – The ability to regrow a human body, such as in the case
of mistaken public execution. Not necessarily related to 3D Printed
Semi-Organic people.
Nadine's Arc
Adobe-Politics – Political settlements based on agreed distribution of natural resources. Fossil fuel is one example, of political decisions made surrounding it.
Dream-Scanner – Elite corporate spy, designed to go directly into the dreams of suspects, like computer hackers, and other societal malcontents.
Brain-Cataclysm – The total apocalypse of a dream/virtual world, do to bad gaming practice, and can sometimes even kill gamers in this 3D evolution of rogue like game.
Artificial Universe – An entire universe created from the source code of our own simulated universe. Voreth's Promise was originally historically similar to our own, but evolved in a different path where fairies and elves evolved from humans.
3D Printed Semi-Organics – A specific variety of cyborg with synthetic biological skin, but a purely mechanical skin. Generally used as a way for digital minds to get a physical incarnation.
Organic Dashboard, Lucid Programming, Organic Computing, Mechanical Subliminals – Variations on the theme of organic minds and bodies networking through a decentralized architecture, with things less than completely organic in nature.
Skull-Fairy: A half-elf, half fairy person.
Non-Arc Specific
Marine La Pen Wars – An unofficial colloquial term for the two civil wars that split the United States between 2017 and 2096.
Interplanetary Civil War – A perpetual interplanetary war split between the One World Government faction, separating into their original Earth I cultures.
Parasite People – Humans that evolved to live underground, and developed parasite like censors that enable them to navigate in the darkness of the apocalypse.
Locked Planet – A planet that has a scorching hot region on one side,
and a frigging cold side on the other. Earth II's colony is set on the
slipstream between these regions, where it has live-able temperatures.
In this case, the planet is tidally locked, but also in the Goldilocks
zone for life.
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