ALSO: A little bit of warning! The day job has been go go go on my end lately and I would like to cut back on personal responsibilities for a short time so comics stuff may go on hiatus for a stint. Wake of the Clash(for those involved) will definitely take a break for a time undetermined in the future(More on that come Wednesday!), and there is a chance that I will skip the update for Falsehood Sunday March 26, but not sure yet! Keep an eye out folks, thanks so much for the understanding!
Its New Year's Eve in Beacon City, and master thief Charlie Glass (AKA The Hourglass) has his hands on a new piece of precious artwork. Watch as he makes his spectacular getaway for his adoring onlookers!
The Falsehood Heists is a stand-alone Wake of the Clash spinoff featuring Beacon City's favorite flashy thief The Hourglass. Taking place around a year after the events of Wake of the Clash, it is meant to be it's own contained story, so new readers and old fans alike can enjoy without having to worry about prior knowledge or spoilers.
The full story is about 100 pages of script long, but I currently do not have plans to draw past the first chase sequence(as I drew it purely for my own enjoyment). Still! For Airstrike/Hourglass fans or individuals of taste who enjoy a Lupin III/Kaito Kid reminiscent chase scene, this one's for you! Read more
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