"How could you think I was going to drink that much beer?" I say as I chug my fifth glass of beer.
"I know I have a high tolerance, but geez, man. I can't put away five pitchers. I think you better call in reinforcements." I say as I pat my friend on the back.
-loud cheering-
Man, it's rowdy here today. I don't care about European football. I like basketball. This douchebag here said wings were half off with every pitcher of beer you buy. I didn't think he would order this much, though. I glance up at the TV to check the score. I can't believe the USA made it to the World Cup this year. They don't have a chance against Brazil. I look back at our table and notice it's empty.
"Hey, dude, did they clear our table? I wasn't done." I looked up at my friend, who stared back at me blankly.
Everyone in the bar stopped talking all at once and turned to look at me. Chills run down my back. I jolt out of my seat and walk over to my friend.
"Yo, this isn't funny. What's wrong with you? Let's get out of here." I say as I grab my friend and begin shaking him.
I stopped and backed away from the utterly unfazed man I thought was my friend. The longer I stare at him, the more I notice that I don't know him at all. The more I begin to panic, the more the faces of the crowd begin to blur. I can't take any more of this. I run towards the exit door, but before I make it, I am surrounded by people.
Everyone in the bar begins choking. I grab a woman closest to me and try to help. Blood starts spewing out of her mouth, splattering all over me. I take a step back and bump into a man who is also gushing blood. Just as I turn around, his eyes and ears begin bleeding profusely. Everyone is dripping blood and gasping. I begin crying. I am helpless and trapped. I don't know what to do. I drop to my knees and cover my ears. It's too much! STOP! PLEASE! I try to drown out the noise, but I can't. I can hear everything like it's inside my head. I hear heavy footsteps approaching me. They stop in front of me, and I look up.
"Dad?" I say in a calm voice.
My father is standing over me, wearing an all-black suit.
"He pulls out a knife and tosses it on the floor. He crouches down and grabs my chin.
"You can't honestly think ignoring this will make it go away, do you? You were in such a panic you didn't even recognize the man you were sitting across from." Glance over at the only person in the room who isn't choking on blood.
I didn't recognize him. I do now. My tears fall even more. Daren Jones. The first person I ever killed. I look down at the knife my father threw at me. It was the same one I used to kill Daren. I look back over at Daren and notice the cut on his neck dripping blood.
"Look around. Everyone you ever killed is right here, including me. You thought I wouldn't know you played a role in my death? You're a fool. After everything I taught you, you still managed to get yourself killed. I would say I am disappointed, but I didn't expect anything from you to begin with. How did someone like you get a second chance at life? I don't understand." Dad kicks me as hard as he can in the side, and I fall over in pain.
When I looked back up at him, I saw that the man standing in front of me was now Rin.
"So, you're the man who stole my life. Pity someone like you is now in my body. I can't fathom why I died and not you. You even have new friends. How long do you think that will last? It's not like you will be loved just because you have a new body. You're still you, after all. Still, it's the same useless piece of trash you have always been. I don't want you to ruin my life! GIVE IT BACK! GIVE ME MY BODY BACK!" Rin rushes towards me and grabs the knife at my knees.
He pushes me back and straddles me. He raises his arms and begins smiling. I can't move. Rin is not overpowering me; I am frozen and stuck, having to deal with the consequences of my actions.
"It's time we put things back to how they belong, Misha!!" Rin brings down his arms, stabbing me in the chest.
I feel the blade slowly penetrating me. Warm blood is flowing out of me. Rin pulls the knife out in one swift motion.
"Finally, you have learned your place." Rin leaned down and whispered one more thing, but I couldn't hear it.
I slowly close my eyes as I lose consciousness.
I jolted awake, covered in sweat.
Holy shit! It was just a dream. That was terrifying.
As I looked around the room, I realized that not everything was a dream. I was still in Rin's body, in the palace servants' quarters, and working for the rude Prince as his bodyguard.
I look out the window, it's still dark. I slept for about four hours, which is typical for me. I don't typically sleep much, mainly because I have dreams like that. I have adapted and managed to survive just fine.
Man, I'm thirsty. I need something to drink.
Luckily, the servant's quarters are next to the kitchen. I don't feel comfortable walking around here alone yet. I open the door slowly to try to make as little noise as possible. I look around before I leave the room. No one is awake at this hour, anyway. I walk into the kitchen and open one of the fridges that says, employees. I see mostly water bottles and fruit juices. I grab some water and sit down at the table. I look around the room and notice all kinds of papers pinned to the walls. Recipes, lists, schedules, and notices. There don't seem to be many permanent residents living here. They must have strict rules. I guess that makes sense since this is the palace, after all.
I hear a door close down the hall. I should probably go back to bed. I have to work tomorrow. Before I could get out of my seat, a woman was staring at me from the doorway of the kitchen. Fuck, I don't want to deal with this right now.
"Who are you?" She whispers.
She doesn't seem to be too frightened by my presence.
"Uh hey, I'm Mi… Rin Grace. I am Prince Jay's new bodyguard." I say in a calm voice.
Shit, that dream must have gotten to me. I almost slipped up. I stand up from the table and walk over to her. I hold out my hand to greet her, and she instantly reaches out to grab it.
"Oh, Hello! Finally, the Prince has smartened up. I am Anne Smith, head chef. I haven't been here long myself. About a month. It's nice not to be the newest employee anymore. How are you finding your room? Let me know if you need anything." She smiles at me with a big grin.
She must be happy to see a fresh face.
"My room is fine. It's only for one night anyway." I say, backing up to give her space.
She walks around me, goes to the cabinet, and pulls out some snacks. She places them on the table and waves me over. I sit at the table, grab a handful of pretzels, and begin eating.
"Only for one night? Where will you be staying then?" She says as she grabs a cookie from the box.
"I am going to be staying in Prince's old playroom," I say without hesitation.
She looks at me in shock.
"You'll be staying on the second floor?" I think I understand why she is shocked.
It does seem weird for me to be staying in a different place than the rest of the employees.
"Uh, yes. I believe Anon wants me close to Jay at all times. You know, for safety reasons." She pouts.
I'm not sure what I did wrong. She seems upset.
"Mr. Quin and Prince Jay seem to have taken a liking to you. You even have the nerve to call them by their first names." She stands, grabs the snacks, and puts them away.
She walks toward the hallway.
"I hope you have a pleasant stay. Goodnight, bodyguard Rin." She says as she turns the lights off, leaving me alone in the dark.
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