Hello, everyone ! Sorry for the wait between the episodes, but I currently have exams and it takes a lot of my time, not mentioning that the backgrounds were quite hard to draw...
I hope you will like this episode ! Please like, share and comment it if it is the case. =3=
A fish in his mouth, Nash can go home, at last. But which direction should he take ? Speechless before the map they find, Pimouss suggests that they go up on the ferry wheel in order to see from way higher. Thus, they go up on one of its baskets and observe the horizon... But the kitten's house seems so far away in the distance !
Son poisson en bouche, Nash peut enfin rentrer chez lui. Seulement par où partir ? Ne comprenant rien au plan trouvé sur son chemin, Pimouss lui propose de monter sur la grande roue pour prendre de la hauteur. Ceux-ci montent donc à bord d'une Nacelle, et observe le paysage... Mais la maison de Nash semble si lointaine !
Nash is a little kitten, living peacefully with his human family, and nothing seems to be able to go wrong... until one day, when he's forgotten along the side of a road.
From there, Nash, the wandering kitten, will try its best to survive in a harsh world, and who knows, might meet people and learn some things along the way !
Nash est un petit chaton vivant paisiblement avec sa famille humaine. Tout semble aller pour le mieux...jusqu'au jour où il est oublié au bord de la route.
Depuis lors, Nash, le chaton voyageur, va essayer de faire son possible pour survivre dans ce monde hostile, et qui sait, peut-être rencontrer des gens et apprendre des choses au cours de son périple !Read more
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