"A nine year old boy got the police called on him for shooting his parents with a pistol gun, police say that they have no idea why he did it, or how he found the gun." *TV in the background* "YOUR A FUCKING DISAPOINTMENT!" *Glass scattering and crying* "Mommy im sorry-!" *drip...drip...drip...drip* "Eh....uh.... M-Momma" The mother had thrown a bottle of wiskey at the ten year old little boy but a piece of the bottle had got stuck in his skin right on his eye. The mom didn't care, that she had hurt her little boy, she didn't care that he had blood pouring out of his eye. The boys father came home, seen the boy and ignored him, he walked right passed him kissed his wife and went to take a shower. The mother yelled at the boy for another 10 minutes then dragged him to his room and shut the door. Later that night more around midnight the boy woke up and went to the kitchen. He grabbed a kitche chef knife, went to his parents room and brudley stabbed them in there chest multiple times. They were found 2 days later by the neighbors, but there son was no where to be found. That goes the same for the little nine year old escape artist that shot his parents.
This story is about a Murderer and a Serial Killer whom's goals were just about the same. They were both on a killing spree getting all there targets down when one of each of there targets were the same person. When they met up trying to kill there target, they decided to kill it together. These two criminals are more than just a Murderer and a Psychopath but there also not human, there supernatural creatures. The creatures that they become are like a whole new personality there in control but not fully they can only make simple decisions. These creatures have been roaming the nights for centuries but no human had caught a sing one of them just yet. Until one night something happened and they were exposed. Read more
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