*EDIT* If you don't like this art style, it really changes from the first few episodes to the latest. Hopefully it is getting better!**
Hi! This is my new series, and I can't wait to share this story with you. I will post at least once a week, but most likely more. I explained why I paused my other series, but to summarize, I want more practice and I want to try out a new style before going back to my other series, Worlds Colliding. Thank you for reading this and I hope you subscribe!
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(updates every Friday or Saturday)
A young warrior from the well known Malima Clan is chosen to be the escort of the Ardhi Princess. A princess who is hiding a secret. After a whirlwind of events, they learn the Ardhi Continent is in danger. To save the continent from impending doom, they must trek through the land encountering magic, bandits, and more while learning about themselves and their potential. Read more
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