Hey. It's been a while.
It's a long story, but I went through some really difficult things that are still affecting me. But I'm trying to get back to making comics.
This is a very non-committal start. There's no schedule, though I want to put out a new update once or twice a month for a while.
Sorry I've been unable to create pages for so long. Things have been so hard.
But comics make me happy.
I'm happy to be back. I hope you enjoy.
No superheroes. No supervillains. Just one aimless 28 year old who gets crazy superpowers from smoking magical weed... and has no idea what to do with them.
This is a comic about daily life... with superpowers.
Contains swearing, occasional sexual themes (no nudity or sexual acts, just conversation) and acts of violence against leaf blowers. Is mainly lighthearted in tone.
Updates whenever I can get them done, but I'm hoping for a new installment every three weeks at first. You can be notified of updates by following me here or at:
https://www.patreon.com/Amirai where you can get read an update in advance and in high resolution. Even $1 a month would help me out a lot!Read more
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