Chapter 1 The grumpy pal
Not knowing what day it is, kids walk into the University getting ready for their day.
“FRIEND!”A loud but gentle voice came running down the hall.
“What is it that you want Fluffy.?”A somewhat feminine voice says.
“OH COME ON ASH!” She comes up to Ash giving them a big old hug.
“Ugh.” Ash closes their locker.
“What's wrong Ashy?” Ash’s friend gives them a confusing look.
“We’re going to be late for class.” They grumble.
“OH oki, we'll see you later then.” She waved a hand, as she went to get her own stuff she needed.
“Jeez, they must've woken up on the wrong side of the bed.” Fluffy mumbled to herself.
“I have the greatest IDEA, I'm going to make them feel better!” She thought, as her energy pumped her up. She hopped to her class in excitement. The bell rang not too long after.
“HAY! Fluffy over here! “Fluffy’s friend Lunar waved at her from his seat.
“Oh marning luner.” Fluffy goes over and sits next to him at his desk.
“S-so uh you seen Ash already?”Lunar asks.
“Well yeah, they didn't seem so happy.”Fluffy seems a little disappointed about that.
“Well maybe he’ll feel better as the day goes by.”Lunar tries to make Fluffy feel better.
“I had an idea,”Fluffy suggested. The teacher walked in and looked like he was going to slap someone with his coffee cup.
The teacher continued and started to speak and rumble off about the math lesson.
“So you're saying that if a rat was 5feet and you had another rat 7 feet and they were trying to add that crap. I think those are some pretty big rats if I say so myself.” Lunar talks out loud as he's not even paying a tension in the class.
“E um”the teacher tries to get his attention. But he keeps rumbling on and on about the smallest shit.
As Luner kept talking and right before the teacher was going to grab him by the arm and pull him out of the class,the bell rang.
“YES freedom!”Lunar yells while grabbing all his stuff.
“Dang you really got away with that this time huh?” fluffy kinda chuccled.
“Yeah But I always get away with it.” Lunar sticks his tongue out.
“That you do.”Fluffy replied, putting her stuff in her bag.
”Well at least you stopped it ,so we didn't have a long lecture”Fluffy finished grabbing their stuff. Lunar and Fluffy walked out of the class ,so the other students could go in.
As they walk down the hall they keep hearing lockers being slammed and some drama here and there.
Ash is seen leaning against the wall. They are hiding behind their sunglasses once agian.
“Ash?” Lunar looks over to face thim. Ash tiles their head in response.
“What is it that you guys want?”They walk near Lunar and Fluffy.
“Nothing just wondered why you were out.” Lunar looks at the floor.
“Are you skipping class again?”Fluffy asks in a friendly grumpy tone.
“For once i'm not i actually forgot my Id card.'' They grumble as the stomach growls.
“Looks like someones hungary”Kal walks over to thim.
“How hay Kal!”Fluffy gives him a good old hug.
“Well let's go get launch, Im portched” Lunar
“I would but i don't have my Id card like i said before” Ash grumbles once more. Kal puts arm around their shoulders.
“Dont worry im paying.” He chuckled walkin with thim down the hallway. Looking around the school's walls seeing the blank wight walls leaves a weird sense of nothingness to the lunar surface. He's learned to accept it over time though. As They walk up to the counter to order ash, they walk up and order one of the biggest meals that kai has ever heard.
“Dude- are trying to make me poor?''Kai glares at Ash. Once they got their older in and let fluffy and lunar speak. Ash then turned to Kai.
“No. im just hungry.” They walk off with their tray of food and sigh. Once they got to their seats Fluffy spoke once more.
“So, guys, I was thinking maybe we can go to my dorm and have a gaming hand out?” She shuffled in her seat.Other kids wearing around talking fluffy were able to hear a small group talking trash about them.
“What, Time?”Kai asks Fluffy, grabbing their attention.
“Oh,um what about 4 or 5?”Lunar suggested looking their way with a cheese burger in his mouth.
“Oh, Yeah that's a good time.'' Fluffy replied Trying her best to not pay attention to the other kids.
Ash and theme wear finishing their food.
“Wow you ate that quick?”Fluffy looks over at ash.
The node responds standing up from their seat.
“I told ya i was hungry.”They died after chewing a piece of food.
“Here i'll take you guys trays.'' Ash picks their trays up one by one and walks off.
“THANKS ASH!”Lunar and the others yell after thim.
“Hay you!”one of the kids from a far yelled at ash.they snorted,puting the trays away.
“What do you want?”Ash doesn’t seem to be impressed.but the kid did have the guts to walk up to them like that.
“I Just wunder why you waer thouse stupid sunglasses all the timwe.”He joked as his other friends walked up to him and tryed to take thim away.
“I don't think that's a very smart Idea,”they tried to back off giving them a warning.the group of kids apparently didn't get the hit and wouldn’t back off.
“Stay away from ash you jerks!”Lunar steps in front of ash as fluffy and kai fallow lunars lead.
“Whatever”they backed off right as their next class was about to start.
“You oki ash?”Fluffy gave him a hug.ash glared at the group knowing he could have as easily standed up for himself.
“Yeah i'm fine,you guys should get to ya next class.''Ash warned them not wanting them to be partly because of them.
“You need to exactly go to class too,you know”Fluffy gave him a little nudge.
“Yeah yeah”Ash started to walk to their next class.Fluffy was still somewhat wondering what was on Ash's mind. Kai pulled out his list of which class he headed next.
“Come on fluffy looks like we have, hm i think it's Ela now”he was having a little bit of trouble reading from being tired.
“oki,Kai i'm right behind ya.''Fluffy followed him out of the caff.
“See ya lunar”she wayseed him.
“Bye fluff.”He teseed.
After being friends with Fluffy for so long Lunar has noticed every time he's around her.Hes felt a positive amount of emotion.He never understood why he felt this he just did. He likes the feeling that she gives him so he's not complaining about it.
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