Chapter 13 Into The Unknown
“Hello “. Addison called out again. She opened her eyes to see a kids room. She got up and then tried to move her body but she couldn't.
”Hello she called out again''.
“Sweetie, come hurry. you're going to miss your first day of middle school”. Her mother called from down stairs
”Coming mom!”Addison yelled.
“ I didn't want to say that ''. Addison tried to gain control of her own body. As it got to the closet and changed into a school uniform. “Hay stop!”. Addison yells but the kid or her could have just gone on with their day.
“What's going on!”.Addison screamed as the kid was eating. She was so confused and lost. THe place she was in now looks nothing like how she saw her home. The bus pulled into the driveway.
“Bye! “.The small Addison yelled.
“Have a good day sweetie!”. Her mom yelled back. Her little brother came racing her to the bus. The bus screeched when the doors slammed open. Addison sat in her signed set. The bus moved and she started to agen contle her own body agion.
“Hay hello, why are none of you looking at me?!”. Addison yells as waving a hand in front of the position next to her.Everything started to get strange she left as if someone was thair.
“Hello? Is someone watching me?”. she cried,
“No my dear”the glitched vose spoke.
“Who are you!”she yelled back as she tried to get off the bus. The bus was moving even faster now, shaking agents on the bumps in the ground.
“Don't worry my dear, no need to be afraid”it jiggles a little.
“Stop this bus now”. She commanded,
“I'm afraid I can't do it dear”. Thebus was not stopping anytime soon.
“Then what do you want from me!”she tried forcing the back door of the bus open.
“No no my dear i wouldn't do that if I was you”the voice said in anger.
“Then what do you want from me!”Addison growled.
“My dear i don't want anything from you” .it spoke agion.
“What do you mean you don't want anything from me, why am I here then?”Addison stopped in confusion.
“I mean the truth, I don't want anything my dear”the bus stops moving.
“Then let me go..'' Addison looked at the ground and saw black likwid on the floor of the bus.
“What the?” Addison added as the black likwided spread slowly around the bus.
“Don't fight it my dear”the glitch voice laughed. Addison started to panic as the ink like likwith was getting up to the sets of the bus slowly.
She looked around trying to find a way out.Addison curls on to one of the sets.
“Hmm”she thought to herself.She made a great big old fist with her hand and thread to bunch the glass of the window.
“My dear i'm afraid there's no way out”the shadowed figure popped its head at the window just to reassure her. The sound of bullying water filled the silents for a good minet.the shadow fighter pushed Addison through the window onto the floor of the bus.
“Aah!” she fell with a hard thude.
“My dear i told you not to get out.''the glitched watched her struggle to get out of the ink like likwid.
“Help! She cried out as the ink slowly got teeter more as she moved.
“I'm sorry my Dear but this is the only way”he looked at Addison one last time before she was pulled under the ink.
“What is happening?!”she cried as it pulled her deeper into the ink.
“It feels like every bone in my body is being torn apart,” Addison thought in her head as she slowly opened her eyes when she felt like she was surrounded by water.
The sound of yelling from one to another.It was hard for her to tell where the sound was coming from. She was suddenly pulled out of the black water, coughing up some of the water trying to catch her breath. “My Dear are you ok?” the glitched voice said calmly as Addison tried to whip her eyes with her sleeve. “Ow!” She yelped from the burning from the water. “Is she alright?” one of the muffled voices said while crouching down towards her. Addison looks up at one of the people while she attempts to wipe the water out of her eyes still in pain. “Come on little girl” a random boney hand slowly lifts her to her feet. The old man grinned at her as he looked over to their leader. “So what are our orders now? Should we bring her back?” the man looked at their leader for an answer as the person looked back at Addison. “Hmm, let's bring her back to the castle.” the glitched voice replied back to them. The great boar creature lifted Addison up by her legs, hanging her over his shoulders. The group walks back to the castle as Addison looks around from what she can see on the boar’s shoulders; she doesn’t really know what’s going on. The boar drops her on the floor of a cage, behind bars. “HEY! WHAT ARE YOU PLANING ON DOING WITH ME?!” Addison struggles to say as her head spins from everything bringing black. The boar looks at Addison in the eyes and replies, “Nothing for now. We don’t know if you could be a threat to us so we are taking precautions” as Addison frowns. “Sketch I want you to stay here and keep an eye on her.” the leader demanded.”Yes sir.” the old guy said against the cage flinging the keys on his pointer finger. Addison kept her focus on the keys thinking she could get a chance to escape this stupid little prison she’s been put in. The rest of the group walked out of the small prison, leaving the two alone. “Heh” the guy chuckled while staring at her angry self. “Look at you, stuck in that small cage. Must be fun being stuck in there, huh?” the man smiled more “Burn in hell you sick freak.” Addison growled as she gave him a stare. “Ha! you REALLY don't get it do you?” he smiled and slammed his fist against the cage straddling her. “YOU'RE already in hell.” his voice echoed as his teeth clenched together. “This stupid castle is hell? More like a pathetic fairy tale.” Addison scoffed, rolling her eyes. “I could kill you right here and right now.” he took a step back as his bones that were visible cling together. “Listen here kid, you don't even know what you even are or what we are so shut it before I make you.” he dug into his flesh pulling out a taser. Addison looked at him then crosses her arms as she leaned against the back of the cage “Hmph, fine you stupid old man.” Then she went silent, pouting. The old guy fell asleep against the wall opposite from the cage after a few hours of staring at her. “HEY! GET UP YOU IDIOT!” The boar came in as he slapped the guy across the face. The old man suddenly sprang up looking around “Oh! So sorry! How long was I out??” the guy looked at the boar then back at the cage where Addison was “How would I know? I just got in here you idiot!” the boar had shouted. “Anyways, the boss wants the girl” he glared at the guy then stomped off. “Ugh fine!” the guy groaned as he got up to open the cage. He grabbed her hands tightly and tied them with a rope “Hey! What do you think you're doing?!” Addison tried to pull from his grip. “I’m taking you to the damn boss, that's what I’m doing. Can’t have you escaping or taking anything so I gotta do this kiddo.” the man said as he pulled Addison in and continued to tie up her hands. Addison rolled her eyes and looked up at the man “Fine fine.” Then she followed the man out of the small prison and towards the Boss’ room.
Chapter 14 The Hard truth
The Boss sat in his office. waiting for them to arrive. BANG! The door slammed open.
“Brought the stupid kid.” the man grumbled. The boss turned around to face them. “You’re finally here.” he had smiled “Why are you doing this? Why must you tie me up like some animal?” Addison demanded an answer as she looked the boss in the eyes. “Well little one, you seem pretty eager for somebody young and vulnerable hm?” the boss smirked and got up from his chair. The man threw her to the ground in front of the boss THUD! she landed on her knees. “Well you're about to see who you really are my young dear” he lifted her head with a hand.The boar came in with a sharp pair of scissors and cut Addison's hair short. “Hey! stop!”Addision tried to slide away, but was pinned down by the old creepy man. Addison starts yelling and trying to fight back as the old man and the boar struggle to keep her still. “Quit moving you stupid kid!” The old man tried to bear hug her and bring her down, but she kicked him where his bones were exposed, of course stunning him.A young girl came in looking similar to Zora, but more like a ghost.The boss grinned “Like I said you really need to calm down.” he walked in front of them. Zora walked near Addison and sat next to her. She looked over at the old man who passed out, “Did you do that?” she pointed. Addison looked at Zora and nodded “Please Zora.. if you’re even her.. Just help me out of here please! I miss hanging out with you and Bara! I want to go back to the old days!” Addison begged Zora, feeling sad. Zora shrugged and got up “I’m sorry Addison, but I can’t assist you.” Zora sighed. They finished cutting her hair as she was distracted. “Here, follow me, '' Zora signaled, giving her a hand. Addision got to her feet.``O-Ok..''Addison stuttered. The boss glared at the two while they walked out, He mumbled some glitched words to the others as they nod.
Zora brings Addison to a familiar place to eat. It seems to be a room in the castle, but looks like Addison's house. “Huh?” Addison looked around confused as ever. “Listen Addison, what you thought was reality isn't all of what you see. The home you lived in, this is what the home actually was,it always was.” Zora walked in the house as her skin turned normal. “What?! This is just all a bad dream!” Addison hugged herself tightly. “Well we tried to explain all this to you many times”boras voose comes from behind addison.”ACK!” Addison jumped back in fear. ”Oh sorry I scared you, she carried in a group of books like she always does.`Wait, so you guys are both alive?!” Addison sits on her cout in the living room.”yeah”bora sat next to her.”Zora you said this all happened many times or it was unexplainable right?” Addison looked over at zora.”Yeah truth be told you know those nights where you wear them but you freak out cuz we looked like monsters?” Zora figures with her hair.”Yeah kinda” she tilted her head. “Well I guess you can say things like this is a dream away like one of them that you only have but real is all real” Zora tried to explain “When I meant I tried to explain this to you many times well you remember the times you died over again right?” she put a hand on Addie's shoulder.
Addison jerked away from her grip.
”WHAT THE HELL YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?! DON'T TOUCH ME!” She ran out of the room down the hallway, refusing to believe any of what she was being told. Tears drop quickly to the floor as she runs through the darkness.
“ADDISON! COME BACK! YOU WILL GET LOST!” Zora yelled out. Addison just kept running, is this really the truth? Is she really living an actual lie? The question flowed through her head as she ran. That’s when she got grabbed from behind by a hand, It was Bara, she looked disappointed, but again sad. “I’m sorry Addison, but this is the real reality you live in.” Bara said “Please, don’t struggle as it will only be harder on yourself.” She continued. Addison looked at them in fear as she looked down.
“O-Ok.. it's not like I know the way out anyways” she sighed and followed Bara back down the hallway, looking at her turn up shoes and pants. They made their way back to the living room, and all sat down on the couch. Addison had to accept the hard truth and live her life like this as there was no other choice, right? Who knows. Addison sighed and leaned down just moping “You want me to get you anything?” Zora looked at Addison.
“I’m not even sure anymore.” Addison replied with a bit of sorrow.
“Knock knock” the door was banging louder than the silence put together.
“I'll get it” Bara stood up and went to the door, slowly opening it.
“Here, give this to the kid” the boss threw a pile of weird looking shoes as well as clothing at Bara.
“Ack” Bara fell backwards as he stomped away. Bara got up, rolling her eyes as she picked up the item and went to Addison.
“The boss wants to give you this.” She held out the weird looking shoes and clothing in her hands towards Addison. Addison gives a look of confusion as she looks up at Bara.
Bara shrugs and just places it beside her.
“He probably wants you to put them on I think” Zora gave a suggestion
“They look strange though. Definitely not normal clothes.” Addison picked the item up
“For crying out loud it has the word metal..or I think gold.” Addison looked at Bara in definite confusion when she unfolded the clothes.
“Yeah, this just doesn’t seem normal at all.” Addison said, looking at Bara and Zora.
“Well it’s at least worth a shot to try them on.” Zora gave a remark with a faint smile.
Addison went and got up to go change into her new clothes and see if it was even comfortable.
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