Chapter 11 Lost Again
“We finally made it,” Addison's stomach growled loud enough that even Zora could hear it.”Yeah, I guess your stomach is hungry huh?” Zora intertwined her hand into Addison’s “Yeah I am hungry” Addison looked at the list “We can go to the cafe after we get the stuff we need” Zora smiled. “It says that we need butter, milk,ham, dog food, cereal, and bread” Addison read aloud. “We better get looking for them” Zora grabbed a shopping basket “Alrighty” Addison followed Zora from behind “I think we should split up to get it done faster” Addison suggested “Great idea” Zora added. After going through almost everything Addison finally got what she needed and met up with Zora by the checkout corner “That would be 2.45 ma’am” the guy at the checkout said, putting the groceries in the plastic bags “Here” the guy said “Thank you” she said as he handed them back their bags “Thank you Sir.” Addison waves while they walk out of the store. Addison walked across the road thinking Zora was behind her, as it happened so fast Addison dropped her bags as a bright light came as fast as it happened. Zora yelled after her and everything went black.Addison was hurt like she never was before, as she opened her eyes she had appeared in the same room in the hospital.
“Again? Seriously?” she groaned in anger. “Oh you're awake!” Ashley smiled big “How are you feeling?” she threw her head back into a pillow. “Do you remember what happened?” she asked Addison in confusion. She shook her head, she knew it was a lie “Well my name is Ashley and your name is Addison, let’s go get you some food and something to drink as that might help you” she nodded her head as Ashley walked away with an empty tray in her hands. “I don't understand, has everything been restored? Am I dead and imagining things?” her head was hurting so much to think she just wanted to go to sleep “You were never in control” the echoey voice whispers in her ears, twitching her fingers. In a struggle, Addison, trying to tell herself it's not real then when she thinks she sees the old man watching her from the blinds.. No! She knows that it's not real she can't be going insane, after all it feels real so it has to be right? their head is spinning now with most of their thoughts spread along her mind. She picked her head back up as Ashley walked in with food. A familiar voice started to talk. “Hello?” The large wooden door cracked open. “Addison, it's me” the voice replied “Me who?..” Addison replied back in confusion. “Come in Bara” Ashley gave them a hand gesture to come in after they had set the tray down on the table next to her. Bara walked in wearing her school uniform. “Bara? Is that you?'' Addison murmured under her breath as tears fell from her face. A warm hand gently touches Addison’s shoulder. “Huh?” Addison jumps back in shock, tears fumed down her face “Woah there it's me, calm down Addie” they hug tightly not wanting to let go “So you remember me?” Bara stopped hugging her and stepped back needling on the ground. “Kinda, I guess you could say something like that I guess” Addison shrugged “What do you mean?” Bara asked as Addison looked at the floor “Well it's a long story, but can I ask you something?” Addison wiped her tears “Of course, anything I'm here for you” Bara smiled. “Where’s Zora?” Addison said, looking up, then Bara got up and sat next to her on the bed. “How you must not remember, do you?”.Addison froze in fear “Wait! Did something happen!?” she jumped to her feet. “I’ll take that as you don't remember?” Bara tilted her head “Tell me what happened!” Addison was now furious, needing an answer. “Calm down, I'll tell you just sit back down please” Addison calmly sat back down “Okay I'm sitting can you please tell me now?” Bara lifted her hands onto Addison’s “Well a few weeks back your house got caught on fire while you and Zora were doing work after school and your mom was cooking, then...” Bara stopped suddenly. “Then what?!” Addison exclaimed “Then the house got caught on fire” Bara continued “But she's okay right?” Addison tried not to cry.
They stayed there looking at each other through the night.
Chapter 12 Watch out
“Addie come on you're going to be late let’s go!” Bara yells at Addison from outside the door. ”I'm coming!” Addison shouted, grabbing her school bag rushing down the hall trying to finish her toast. “I’m here, I'm here” she tried to catch her breath as both Addison and Bara walked out the door. “Come on, we're going to be late for school. I'll race ya!” Bara was already running “I'm coming too!” Addison yelled, running after her.
Once they were at the train station Addison was already out of breath “Hold up, I need a breath. Plus it’s not fair as you got a head start!” she huffed as they got onto the train, when they sat down in the back of the train on the cold slushie red seats. Addison couldn't help but wonder what exactly happened those days when she got out of the hospital, everything was weird. It was like the whole world turned upside down. “Is it possible I'm the only one that remembers?” she whispered “Huh? What are you talking about Addie?” Bara looked at Addison moving her hair from her face. “Oh uh nothing Bara.'' She struggled to talk as she looked around and the train came to a stop. Addison and Bara stood through the large crowd of the train as everyone started to move off it. Addison thought she saw the bone of the half-skinned hog pull her to the ground as she stepped off the train,”Ahhh!” Addie fell hard on the concrete ground, as the hog still had its slimy hand wrapped around Addison's foot but for some reason no one else could really see it except her. “Help! Please!” Addison tried getting away from the creature, but it just kept pulling her closer to the tracks.“Addison! Hold on, I'll get ya!” Bara tried helping Addison up and away from the tracks she was so confused on what was pulling her away from her since she couldn't see anything. Addison was pulled closer and closer into the tracks as Bara struggled to pull her away and Addison kept screaming and trying to kick the creature off of her but the creature didn’t let go. Screams, blood everywhere, as a train went by everything went white again, but this time.. Addison opened her eyes and looked up at Bara as everything was a bit blurry and Bara had a look of fear. “Bara?.. What happened?” Addison got up and saw the train covered in a weird colored blood then she looked at her own body that only had a bruise to her ankle. “Oh thank god you’re okay Addison!” Bara hugged Addison while she still stared at the train that was stopped and still covered in what appears to be blood. Addison had seen that some of the Hog creature’s eyes were stuck in the train’s wheel; it looked like the Hog got killed as it tried to pull her into her own grave. “How do ya feel Addie?” Bara helped Addison up off the ground as glitches filled Addison's vision from not moving too much. “Hey Bara, can you see the blood on the train too?” Addison looked behind them as they got up and out of the train tracks ”That doesn’t matter at the moment addie. We gotta get to class as we’ll be late.” Bara replies while she carries Addison to the high school in her arms “You don't need to carry me you know I have legs” Addison tried to suggest as Bara refused ”I know but it’s bad to walk on your ankle as you might sprain it more.'' They walked through the small city as people told them to get to school on time. “What was all that about anyways?” Bara asked in somewhat worry and anger “It’s hard to explain,” Addison looked down at the concrete. “But I'm fine now I promise Bara you can put me down now” Addison tried to not anger her more than she already has. “Okay fine.” Bara carefully put Addison on the ground as if she was made out of glass. “Thank you Bara” Addison helped her as the both cared their books up the stairs to the high school “” Bara closes her locker and walked off to her first class.Addison was a little lost in the school since she didn't remember anything about it so it took her a good 5 minutes to find her homeroom class “Oh I see you’re late addison” the teacher stood up slamming her hand on her desk like a angry bull as Addison made a little peep and couldn’t lie. ”Well? go take a seat!” the teacher almost lost her mind “I hope you have a good reason to be late Addison” the kid behind her chuckled just a little ”i'm sorry sir i almost got stuck under a train and I almost-” Addison was cut off “Its Arfisher to you young lady”the teacher seemed really mad. “Ok sorry Mr. Arfisher'' Addison said while sitting down as it felt forever before she could move on to her next class as the teacher kept yelling at students after study as if it was an army school “Don't do this, don’t do that“ Addison mumbled after she stepped out of the class and tried to remember what class she had next.”Hahaha! what is a helpless girl doing in my way?” the guy that she saw in every death timeline was standing in front of her laughing?... “I'm.. not afraid of you..” Addison was probably shaking like a kitten by now “Oh look! she's scared!” the guy chuckled again as all Addison could hear was the glitched laughter. “Stop that” she tried not to be afraid. “Is the little girl scared of a big guy like me?” he teased, still laughing like a maniac. Addison stepped back “I mean it” Addison stuttered, still shaking like a leaf in a hurricane “Hey! Leave her alone!” Bara yelled at the guy as she was running down the hall “Bara? What are you doing here?” Addison questioned as the guy pushed Addison against the locker “I should be asking the same thing”bora replied, kneeling at Addison's side helping her up. The guy was still laughing and Addison’s head started to bleed from being pushed into the locker, and the guy walked down the other hallway smirking. “I can’t see!” Addison cried “I can't see!” Addison could feel her arm licied hit the top of her nose “Hm? What’s this?” Bara notices that the locker had some sort of sharp metal pointing out of it. “”bora screamed out as Addison cried with blood flowing down her head and to her hands ”” Bara called out agion as one of the nurses called 911.”i cant see i can't see”addition cried out over and over again until her vision storts to blacken. “ not agion hello?” adisn allowed out
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