Chapter 9 The Dark Minds
Addison awoke in a very dark area, and could hardly see in front of her.The voices came back laughing at her, she looked around. “Come on, there has to be a way out.” she muttered.The smell of blood filled the small spaces,looking down,she saw a knife in her own hands.In fear, she threw it,questioning why it was in her hands.The laughing stopped with blood covering her hands, she checked herself seeing if she was bleeding but she didn't feel anything. It got darker if that was even possible, Addison stood up just to fall right back down again as what she thought was her foot was chained up to a brick or some type of hard object. A glitched laugh comes from her own voice as she meant to cry,then couldn't stop laughing, rolling to the
then feeling something cold and hard. She flinched, forcing herself to get away from it as it was missing a few teeth and one of its eyes. “Gross.. what happened to them?” she shivered. On the back left side of the head of the body, hair was missing and what it looked like was at least 3 to 4 pieces of bone hanging out of the big crack on that side.Addison noticed that there was a book underneath them, it has a red shine to it.Addison wanted to know what the book was about but she was disgusted about the head wanting to vomit but she couldn't. She used her free foot to kick the head away, and was sure that it was still somewhat alive, waiting to attack her so she grabbed a hold of the book and dusted it off. She tried to open it but the pages were stuck together with blood like it was glue, Addison had to use most of her strength to pry it open.The pages were pretty dirty, most of the pages were also missing making it looked like a 5 year old was writing in it.Almost all of the writing had weird symbols like arrows and shapes.She tried her best to read it as the voice of laughter came back to her mind or was she in her mind? she keeps thinking that in her head.
As she kept looking at the pages, it had more symbols and shapes. There was one word she would understand was “HELP” with a few more scribbles after on the last page. She closed it in confusion.Her main focus now was on the chain wrapped around her mind, buzzing could be heard.The whole area was shaking, she fell hard against the ground not being able to move since the gravity felt like it was crushing against herself.She cried for help as it made her hurt, she tried and tried to turn but the gravity was to hard at her body keeping Addison paralyzed.
The same teenager’s eyes appeared from the dark when she was able to see him, his skin became pierced from his bones, appearing like his skeleton was changing and his shirt was ripping as he crouched down to Addison.”Go away! Don’t come closer!” she cried in fear. “I don't
think I want to,” he growled as one of his hands touched her shoulder. She pushed him
away with all her fears she had “What do you want with me?!” she yelled as tears rolled down her face. “I don't want you to be scared, because you were never the one in control.” he laughed at Addison’s face as she was shocked “No! that can't be possible! you are not me!” she screamed as she cried out for help. “Heh, that's why you must give me full control. Let the nightmares grow and grow” he laughs again as he still has his wicked smile.Addison was finally able to crack the chain apart from her. He was still laughing “That creep.. it can’t be him” she thought.
Once she was able to stand she made a run for it as the guy’s skin tore until you could only see a black shadow with the most wicked,terrifying, ear to ear smile Addison had ever seen in her life or in any movies she had seen.
“Hey! Where are you going?! there's no escape!” he yelled far behind Addison as she didn’t stop until she was free. She ran faster than she had ever run,then she heard Zora talking, that it must be Zora she thought. Addison used the remaining strength she had until she could see a light, it was a bright yellow, she ran after it not knowing how long she had to run she just kept going. She tripped over her own shoe laces and landed on her face going unconscious, and waking up to Zora crying beside her. Addison sits up quickly “What's wrong Zora?” Addison said worried “She's not coming back..” Zora wiped her tears “Oh..”Addison stuttered then started to cry to herself “When did she...when did she die?”Addison asked “A few moments ago...I already miss her so much..” Zora hugged Addison. “Should we go see her?” Addison shuddered in tears as Zora tried comforting her “No, but you can” Addison was filled with anger as she knew who started the fire.
Chapter 10 A memory, A loss
Addison stormed out of the hospital “Addie where are you going?” Zora yelled after her “Getting done what I should have done a long time ago” Addison grumbled. “Addie! Please wait up!” Zora hugged her from behind pleading “Fine... I'll stay” Addison rubbed her eyes “It would be what she wanted anyways right?” they walked back into the hospital “Hey ma’am?” Addison asked “Yes?” one of the nurses responded “Do you know what room bara is in?” Zora asked the nurse.
“I think she's in room 236.” the nurse replied “Oh thank you!” Addison almost ran with Zora to Bara’s room, but right when they got there, there was a large blanket over her only revealing her burn and bruised skin. Zora hit the floor crying at the sight of Bara.Addison tried to comfort her after a few moments of falling to her friend from crying.Addison walked up to Bara and put her fingers through her rotten hair “I’ll find a way for you to come back..I promise.” Addison whispered to Bara.
“Addison?” Zora could feel like something was wrong
“Y-yeah?” Addison responded not even forcing herself to not cry. “Are you going to be ok?” Zora took Addison's hand that was free “Truly. I don't know” she shivered. Someone coughed a little to get their attention. “We must take her now” said the nurse, Addison and Zora turned around as they were sad “Alright..” Zora replied and they both stepped out of the room. They watched as they took her away. “Hey, how about we take a walk in the park?” Addison asks, taking Zora’s hand trying not to shake in anger “Yeah, lets go. We need to get out” Zora and Addison walked out to the park that was only a few blocks from the hospital. Addison couldn’t stop thinking about what it was like in the past and how bad she wished she could remember how it was for them.
They stood by the small lake “She's in a better place” Zora grabbed Addison's hand pulling her into a hug as Addison took a few seconds before she hugged her back without a sound, just buried her head into her chest crying “Its ok, i'm here for you” Zora couldn't hold back her own tears knowing that Bara was one of the most closest friends to her.
The next morning when Addison woke up in her room next to Zora she didn't feel like she wanted to get up at all after what had happened yesterday.She rolled over and tried falling back asleep when her mom came barging into the room “Did she even know what privacy meant?” she growls in her mind “Hey sweetie can you go out to the store for me?” Her mother said cheerfully trying to help her clear her mind “For what and why?..'' Addison grumbled “Well I have to take your brother to the dentist so I thought you and your friend could go for me plus it might help clear your minds” Addison’s mom spoke back while handing her a list of stuff “Ugh Fine.” Addison glared at her mother trying to give her a sigh of ‘leave my room or else i'll throw my cat eating monster at you’ Addison's mom left the room “Hey Zora, get up we have to go to the store for mom” she whispered quietly while nuzzling her “Huh?” Zora groaned “We are leaving to the store for some stuff” Addison stood over Zora as she was still waking up “Hey that's not fair.I like being on top more” Zora smirked. Addison stuttered as she looked like a bright red apple and Zora started to giggle while sitting up “That's not funny!” Addison blushed a lot. “Let's just get ready” Addison shook her head “You need more clothes?” Addison asks “Yeah that would be great” she scratched the back of her head.Addison digged through her bright baby blue dresser “Ok I found something” Addison pulled out a red t-shirt with a black jacket and a long pair of
black pants “This should work since we are almost the same size” Addison gave the clothes to Zora while she walked to the bathroom next to Addison’s bedroom while Addison grabbed her own pair of clothes that had a long blue jacket and a white shirt and long blue sweat-pants.
20 minutes later they headed out for the store.
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