Chapter 5 Girls Night gone wrong
A small laughter appears from the background
“Did you hear that?” Addison says turning her head to where the noise was
“Heard what?” Zora asks “I didn’t hear anything” Bara replies. A shadow flies past an alleyway, Addison jumps back
“What’s wrong Addie?” Bara asks all confused just like Zora
“Yea what’s going on?” Zora added. “I saw something” Addison gripped onto Zora’s hand while panic filled her mind.
“What did you see?” Zora asked Addie looking at the alleyway “Is somebody following us?..” Bara’s face showed some fear
“I think he's back” Addison whimpered while they kept walking “Who? That old man you told me about?” Zora answered
“Old man?! What are you guys talking about?” Bara’s voice filled with panic and started worrying.
“Well this morning I saw an old man in my mom’s car and he called my phone! I think he wants me..”Addison tries to hold back her tears
“Oh my! Sounds awful!” Bara gasped feeling worried for Addison
“Don’t worry Bara, if that old man tries harming us then I’ll punch him in the gut!” Zora said, doing an imitation of punching somebody and doing an uppercut.
“We should hurry up if we don't want to miss the movie” Addison says while starting to run ahead
“Hey! Wait up Addie!” Zora called out
“Be careful! Don’t trip addie!” Bara warned while she and Zora tried catching up with Addison. 20 minutes later the girls make it to the Theater just in time as the movie starts, Addison goes up to the popcorn machine and accidently gets too much popcorn, overflowing her bucket. She smiles and grabs a lot of chocolate for Zora and Bara then they start walking to the movie room “What movie are we seeing again Zora?” Addison asked while eating popcorn and walking
“I thought we could watch a scary movie since we really never watched those kinds of movies. I hope that’s alright with you two.” Zora says looking at the both of them as she walks
“It's fine with me” Addison stutters a little
“Sure Zora, it’s ok.” Bara smiled
They walk into the theater room and sit in the middle row as the movie starts
“You want popcorn?” Addison asks them.
“I’m good” Bara says “Ok addison” she grabs some popcorn and chocolate
While the movie was going on, a little kid was murdered by some crazy psychopath as blood fell from the killer’s hands, they started ripping the child’s insides out and then threw the body off a cliff. Addison looks away disgusted as the killer cleans the kid’s blood off in a sink
“Woah this movie is quite scary and gory. I’m surprised the people actually put effort into it with a good plot.
” Zora whispered while staring at the screen eating some popcorn
“Yeah” Addison whispered back trying not to vomit as the person cut the corpses open and pulled out 6 eyeballs from his victims, then one of the people in the room laughed with the person in the movie. The voice was deep like the one in the movie and Addison became scared so she hid her head into Zora’s shoulders
“I’ll tell you when that scene is over okay Addie?” Bara whispered, patting Addie’s back with Zora.
“Ok” addison said hugging Bara, as time went the movie became scary and scarier addison and Bara ended up falling asleep their way through it, Zora was actually having fun watching it since she normally reads horror books on her own sometimes. A few hours later the movie had ended and everyone started to get up and return home,
“Addie, Bara, wake up” Zora said, shaking both of them to grab their attention.
“Uh?” Addison wakes up
“What?.. Is the movie over?” Addison looked at the time
“It's around 12:00 AM” Addison woke Bara up and they grabbed their stuff and walked out of the room, as they were walking a teenager pushed Addison to the ground and laughed
“Hey! What’s your problem?!” Zora shouted at the guy as she gave him a death stare
“What’s with the ugly weird clothing?” he snapped back as he started to laugh harder Zora started rolling up her sleeves ready to punch him
“I’ll show you ugly when I beat you to a pulp!”
“Zora!..calm down! Lets just leave..this guy is just a waste of our time.” Bara stuttered, pulling Zora back.
“Hmph, fine.” Zora said as she helped Addison up
“Thanks” Addison stuttered while the guy walked away and gave Addison one last look with the same look the old guy gave her. She shivered
“I'm sorry guys'' Addison finally spoke.
“It's ok it's not your fault it's that guys fault” Bara said as they walked out of the theater.
“Hey guys, can I stay at one of your houses? I don't think I’ll be able to sleep tonight” Addison whispered as she still felt the guy watching her.They kept walking
“I don't see why not” Zora said
“Sure Addison. Either whomever you choose to spend the night with one of us will still come with you.” Bara added
“Why don't all three of us go to Zora’s places for the night?” Addison asked them
“Sure you guys can come to my place.” Zora accepted giving a smile, they walked to Zora’s house as the shadow still followed them.Addison flinches.
Chapter 6 A trio’s jeopardy
As Addison was sitting on the couch with Zora and Bara
“Didn't you say your parents were out?” Addison asked Zora
“Yeah they had a BBQ at a friend’s or something so it's just us three here” Zora replied
“Where are we going to sleep?” Bara asked
“Well one of you can sleep on the couch if you wanted to or you can sleep in the chair in my room it's actually really comfy” Zora answered
“I'll take the couch” Addison said while Bara followed Zora to her room.A knock came from the door,
“I’ll get it!” Addison called as she ran towards the door and checked through the little peephole to see who’s there but nothing was there
“Huh?” she thought with confusion. Addison went back to the couch, but then there was another knock but this time was harder on the door.Addison looked through the peephole again, nothing was there, so she walks back again addison is about to lay down when the door handles started to move back and forth, it knocks again.This time addison grabs a pillow and blanket, walks up stairs and sneaks into Zora’s room. After laying down, the knocking starts to happen again but it seems to be like someone’s using a heavy log trying to barge through the door so Addison uses the pillow to cover her ears.
It gets louder and louder now she is fed up with the knocking, so She looked around and got up as the front door creaked open, making Addison freeze in place. She turned around and tried to wake Bara up but she didn't move, instead her head turned all the way around and showed the face of the old man, he grabbed on to her arm.She struggles to get loose, ‘Zora’ then got up and croled to addison addison started to cry while screaming for help.
A tall furry creature that she saw the first night in the hospital slid across the fool and gripped onto Addison's feet with it’s slimy bone-like hands. She screamed louder but nobody came, footsteps walked up the stairs as a shadow-like figure entered into the room and the old man went and cut Addison's neck with his razor sharp teeth. She yells for help as the dark person spoke with a glitchy voice as it ran at her and went through her.Suddenly everything goes black, no pain, nothing,she opens her eyes seeing Zora and Bara leaning over her staring at her worriedly
“Huh? What's going on?” Addison asks in confusion
“We heard you screaming like you were dying and you were also crying” Bara says with her voice sounding shook
“Yeah, are you ok?” Zora asks Addison puzzled
“I think I had a really bad dream, it felt so real,”Addison said with a yawn. She felt like she hadn't slept in a week.Zora puts a hand out to Addison, Addison takes her hand as she sits on the couch “Do you want to talk about it?” Zora asks
Addison nods slightly,
Bara and Zora sat next to her. Sometimes Addison could swear that she was at least 2 feet shorter than Bara and Zora. Addison studders
“I saw the man in my dream and a few others
'' Addison explains.Zora and Bara held Addison’s hands trying to comfort her “The man was sleeping in Bara’s spot and the hog like creature was in your spot” Addison looked at Zora in fear
“We would never hurt you!” Zora exclaimed
“Yeah! We would never do that!” Bara added. Addison sort of smiles but it withers quickly.
“I don't think I want to talk about this anymore,” Addison shivers . Bara smiles
“You don't have to know how to go out to get breakfast. I don't know about you guys but I’m hungry” Bara looks at both of them
“Yeah that's a great idea, I know where there is a small cafe it's only a few blocks away'' Zora adds to Bara’s idea
“Yeah maybe you're right I do need to get things off my mind” Addison stands up from the couch
“May I take a shower first” Addison asks looking down at her dirty sweatpants and hoodie
“Of course you don't need to ask, do you need to borrow a pair of my clothes?” Zora shows Addison down the hallway where the bathroom is.
“No thanks, I should be good” Addison grabs a towel from the cabinet
“Ok are ya sure?” Zora walks back down the hallway to where Bara is. While Addison was taking a shawer she felt someone watching her .She became really uncomfortable so she hurried up.
“I'm ready!”Addison says while running to Bara and Zora
“Ok let's go then! Bara jumps up excitedly then walks outside, the sun was up pretty high; now they walk to the cafe.Addison can still hear that glitched voice from her dream
“Was it a dream though ?” she thought to herself, she had woken up on the couch
“But what if it was all really true?” she thought more until they got to the cafe
“Hey! Come on, catch up shortie !” Zora yelled out
“I'm not short!” Addison ran the rest of the way to the cafe
“Yes you are our shortie” Bara patted Addison's head.Addison blushed a little and they walked in.
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