Chapter 1 The Awakening
She could hear small whispers. She couldn't see anything , they just whispered to themselves. As the darkness grew, it got darker and darker and she started to feel sick.
“HELLO!? Is someone there?” Their voice cracks under their breath. A small light appears in the far distance.
“Huh?” It gets brighter until there is nothing.
“Hello?” The air gets really thin making it hard to breathe. They are Falling, All you can feel is the air flowing at your face as you're falling into the abyss. They scream as tears run down their faces. Falling for what seems forever. A strike of pain hits her. Making her become unconscious.
Awakening to people's voices.
“ Is someone there?” she thought to herself, becoming confused for who’s talking. When she opened her eyes everything was a bright color. Until her eyes adjust to the light. A young girl that seems to be in her teens walks up to her. She was wearing a nurse’s hat and gown, Her voice was shallow and calming.
“You're finally awake, that's good” a small silence filled the gap.
“So do you remember anything about what happened?” She closes her eyes and tries to remember.
“I'm sorry I can't seem to remember anything.” she replied as she layed in bed.
“Ok let's start off with an introduction. My name is Ashly, do you remember your name?” The nurse spoke.
“I'm sorry I don't remember. Can you please tell me?” The girl begged the nurse.
“Your name is Addison Cooper.” The nurse said with a sad sigh.
“Maybe your family will help you remember who you are?”
“Yeah maybe you're right.” She looked down at her hands.The nurse walked out of the room with her clipboard. A woman that's at least around the end of her 30s walked in with a man that's in his 30s as well.
“Hi Addison, it's me, your mom, remember?” The woman said with a slight cry . Addison shakes her head slowly and sighs.
“That's ok, I brought some of your stuff” she hands out a bag to Addison. Addison takes it and takes out a journal and a phone with a pin.
“I thought you might have wanted them, so I brought them here to you.” She smiles.
“Thanks mom..” Addison hesitantly says she gets on her phone hoping she could maybe look at pictures to see if she can remember but then she comes across a password. She stops and puts the phone to her bed stand and says
“Hey mom?” “Yeah sweetie?” The mom replies.
“Can you tell me what happened to me that made me get rid of my memory?”
“Of course were in a car accident, the car had hit you when you were crossing the road remember?” she shudders on her own words
“Oh..” Addison looks away trying to not cry. A young boy walks in, he looks like he's 10 or 12 years old.
“Hi big sis, it's me, your little bro Andrew, remember?”
He gives a big smile.
“Hi bro..” Addison gives a shy wave.
“Are you ok sis? you seem sad.”
“No No, I'm fine bro. Can you tell me how I used to act before losing my memory?” Addison smiled back.
“Ok well most of the time when you're home from school you always seem sad and lonely. At night I can hear you crying in your room but I don't notice it so normally. I don't bother to ask you cause the first time I did you pushed me out and yelled at me.”Andrew said with a sad look.
“I'm so sorry I did that to you” Addison hugged her brother
“It's ok sis, I forgive you”
“Andrew! It's time to head back home!” Addison's dad shouted.
“Bye sis!” Andrew said while exiting the room and giving her one last smile. Addison smiles and gives him a smile too.
Chapter 2 Monsters Form
Waking up with a loud scratch . Addison sat up as fast as she could trying to stop herself before she screamed. What she saw was so real, well it felt real at least. She thought it was until she noticed she was actually awake but still in the hospital.
With a shaky hand she reaches out for her journal. She opened the first page
“June 2003. Today I got this book. My mom gave it to me hoping it would help with my anger and sadness. But I don't know, maybe we will just have to find out I guess.” Addison read in her head as she flipped the next page. No date was written. She was confused why it did not have a date.
“I don't understand”. She kept thinking to herself. Hearing the small sound of ticking from the clock. It kinda scared her, reminding her of her dreams. That was an old ticking clock. Ticking back and forth at the same, the small whispers in the dark follow her. A small idea adopted in her head at the time. She needed to get away from that clock that filled her mind. With a small deep laugh in the background. Then she woke in fear. A small glimpse of the sun from the window shone onto her skin. She kept reading through her journal. When a page that said .
“August 2006. The first time my heart was filled with love and hope”. She then glared at the clock. It was 8:37 in the morning and her head was hurting from reading. So she tried falling asleep again.
Waking up with a strong headache opening her eyes she thought she saw some type of figure watching her from the coroner of her room she didn't move an inch it look very tail and she couldn't see what it looked like she blinded and it moved now she was freaking out not knowing what to do she was so confused
“Hey! Go away, whatever you are!” her vocals shaken out of fear as a human like boar but with no skin and eyes pouring from its own eye sockets with long hair
“Why do I hear screaming?”Ashly asked with a worried look.
“Yeah I'm fine thanks for asking. I probably just had a bad dream”
“Oh alright some of your friends came to visit you” Ashly smiled and let in a group of 2 people. “Hi Addison, it's me, your girlfriend Zora. remember?” Addison looks at zora
“No i don't remember sorry, I can't remember anything from my past” she said
“What about me? I'm your girlfriend too, my name is Bara.” the other girl said.
Addison shook her head and started to cry, Zora hugged her tightly as the other rubbed her back. “I'm sorry if me asking hurts your feelings” Bara said in a whisper, Addison wiped her tears away with a sigh
“Thanks guys, wait, does the date 2006 remind you guys of anything?”Addison asked them “Yeah that was the year we all started dating but that was 2 years ago” Zora said, still hugging Addison. Addison smiled with a little bit of blushing
“When do you get to leave?” Bara questioned
“Yeah it's kinda lonely without you around” Zora says with a giggle. “I think I can get out tomorrow actually.”Addison hugs them back then Ashly walks in the room
“Heya girls, it's time for Addison to rest”
` “Ok!”the girls said in unison.
“Well see you when you get out” bara smiled, giving a small giggle as they both waved and left the room. “Hey Addison I brought you dinner hope you enjoy it
.”Ashly handed over a tray with chicken noodle soup and some small cakes and a apple “Thank you Ashly” Ashly put a drink of pepsi on the bedside.” there you go you should be set for the night huh”ashly walked out of the room.
Addison grabbed her phone and looked onto the the password and tried putting in 2006”it worked” she cheered to her self.addison smiles bright she slowly ate her hot soap and looked throw her pictures.she giggled when she saw a picture of Zora getting pulled in the water by Bara.She kept smiling while looking throw her pictures from what she has seen, it looked like her and Zora and Bara had a good relationship. She came across a video of them skating on an inside skating rink with loud music and lots of colors. Addison finishes her food and she puts the tray next to her bed she laid down still looking through her phone.She accidentally fell asleep while scrolling through the phone.
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