It was long long ago…. A place where I realized I was not happy…… Everyone tried to tell me everything was just fine and that nothing bad could happen to me… that was just one of many other lies. I wasn’t able to think of anything else, everytime i fell on my knees.. Every time I had to kiss feets…. Everytime i have to be in a lower position on everything…. I was…. I was just tired of it… I didn’t realize I was just harming myself…. Then one day…. I just wanted to end my life.. I felt like I didn’t have any choice…. Or- maybe I do have a choice… I- I just don’t want to take it. One day I accidentally ran into someone. The guy and I made eye contact, I felt so-.. I didn’t know what to do at that moment- that I RAN AWAY! I didn’t know how to explain it but I felt something. I-I just don’t know how to explain it.
(Don't mind the book cover 0,-,0")
This is a novel that talks about all kinds of stories, sad, Deaths, everything, but.... there's only one questions here...... will this ever end in an Happily Ever After?
This will not have any day update, I will just post this when i feel like i need to write :)Read more
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