I wish I could sleep like you
Aug 13, 2021
Lately this phrase has popped up a lot in IH groups. "I wish I could sleep like you" is a thing some people think is apparently a great thing to say to someone who has IH.
Let me educate you by saying NO. Just no. Do not ever say these words. Don't utter even some other version of it like: "I wish I had the time to sleep like you", or "I wish I didn't have to work".
You don't want to lose your life bit by bit to sleep. You don't want to to carry the stigma that comes with sleep disorder, and you don't also want to fight doctors for years to be taken even little bit seriously. You do not want what we have - In fact we don't even have what you imagine we have.
We don't get rest from sleep. We don't ever feel refreshed or well after naps, or sleeping 9-16 hours a day. We could sleep days, to weeks, to our entire lives and it still wont make our sleep restful. And yet we can't avoid the sleep because of the constant sleep deprivation state our brains are in - the same state you can get if you stay up for THREE DAYS and then do the things you normally do.
Now imagine being in that same state every day for the rest of your life while people wish they could sleep like you. Yeah, not fun. In fact, it is painful.
So support your IH brain, don't minimize the disorder, learn about IH, and stop being an asshole.
And to my fellow Sleepies who hear this nearly every day - I am so sorry, I hope they learn to treat you with compassion, empathy, and basic human kindness. You deserve it, and you are worthy of love. <3
Also hope is near - Xyvaw is coming for us as a specialized medicine meant for IH and together we can keep raising awareness to make doctors treat us all better.
Take care and see you next week!
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