Cherry was about to wrap up his senior year in college, thrilled that a job was already waiting for him on the other side. He'd never imagined being an International Relations major would lead to such immediate employment, but there he was, ready to step into the real world with excitement.
He met Wale in a non dreamy setting. They shared a common unit but the moment she stepped in class, everyone seemed to be fixated on her and Kind. Later on he found out they were only first years. Additionally, it had been rumored they were dating. He felt it was none of his business and he chose to focus on completing his final unit and graduate, but as days passed by, it was impossible to ignore the rumors for curiosity took the better of him.
"So they're dating, big deal," he remarked to the girl sitting next to him, who, as fate would have it, became good friends with Kind. Apparently, he was the more approachable one out of the two.
"Well, every girl in college secretly, or not so secretly, wishes they were with Kind. Don't you think he's attractive?" the girl, Swalha, replied with stars in her eyes. "I'd love to be friends with him even if I can't date him."
"Then go for it. Ask him out, Swalha," Cherry said nonchalantly.
"Are you insane? He's always glued to her." Swalha pointed dramatically to Wale sitting in the front row. "I don't want to get between them. That girl is practically his bodyguard."
Cherry could care less of what other people thought. He believed if you wanted something, you have to ask and get rid of speculation. Pulling his chair to stand up, he shouted, "Hey, you there!" They were sitting at the last top row and this brought attention to everyone in the packed lecture hall. 'Good, now I've got everyone attention including them.' "I like you, take me out on a date!"
The room froze. You could practically hear the collective inhale before someone broke the silence with, "Don't leave a guy hanging! What is it gonna be?"
Laughter filled the hall, but it was unclear whether people were laughing at him, knowing he'd be turned down, or laughing at the idea that he was asking to be taken on a date. But to Cherry's surprise, Wale stood up, smiling, hands akimbo. "I want to know where you'd like to go!" she called back.
"Movies! And I'm bringing a friend!" Cherry grabbed Swalha's arm and yanked her to her feet. "She loves rom-coms but I'd watch anything!"
Wale glanced at Kind, who looked like he wanted to melt into the floor, his body language screaming discomfort. "I'm more of an action-anime fan but don't tell anyone. My friend is flexible though."
"Who cares! Double dates are fun!" Cherry's declaration sent the room into pandemonium. People were standing on chairs, some waving their arms like lunatics. The professor eventually canceled the class, and the entire lecture hall found itself under investigation for nearly causing a campus-wide disruption.
Despite the chaos, Cherry managed to meet up with Wale before leaving and exchanged numbers, and while Cherry was cool as a cucumber about the whole thing, Swalha was practically vibrating with excitement. "You're so bold! What made you do that?"
"Don't even think about backing out now," Cherry warned. "I did this for you. When we get to the movies, I'll leave with Wale, and you stay with Kind. I find movies boring anyway. I'm more of a series fanatic."
"Then why suggest a double date? I'm so nervous I might spontaneously combust if Kind talks to me alone!"
Cherry eventually stayed and slept the entire movie. Wale on the other hand seemed surprised she sat next to him and was passive the entire date but afterwards, she explained the situation to him. Nonetheless, Swalha got a long well with Kind. It seemed as if they had known each other for years.
After a a period of watching the two getting along well, it din't surprise Cherry why Wale was glued to her friend not to mention, she appeared like a charmer rather than the cold demeanor she often put out. Additionally, Wale seemed to light up whenever she spoke of Kind. All her happiest memories were lived and experienced with her best friend such that she included Kind in her life's purpose, future, goals and dreams. The two were clearly inseparable and that made Cherry happy to find out for himself how mistaken everyone else was.
"You know, people think you two are dating," Cherry casually said over a strawberry milkshake, some whipped cream smudging the tip of his nose. Wale, without hesitation, reached for a napkin and wiped it away. The gesture caught Cherry off guard. So much for that tough exterior people assumed about her. Wale was surprisingly caring and attentive.
"I know what people say, but I don't really care. Kind's oblivious, though. Girls flock to him, but he's too shy to do anything about it. You did us a favor today. Swalha seems to be getting along with him just as fine."
Cherry followed Wale's gaze, sitting two tables away from them were Swalha and Kind. Her simple words, calmly spoken made Cherry wonder if he would ever have someone care for him so fondly the way Wale did to Kind.
Looking back at her, he realized the girl was quite a looker too. Perhaps her coarse and nonchalant exterior must have made everyone overlook her looks and admirable character. 'Perhaps this was worth it after all,' he thought. 'Otherwise, I'd have never seen this side of her.'
"Will you be my girlfriend?"
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