Lucas and Michael step into a colorfully lit world that isn’t a bit of what Lucas had originally envisioned when Michael first told him about the sexy kink club.
The building is spacious and packed with scantily clad people who belong to different races, all of them of various shapes and sizes. Soft music plays in the background and the sounds are a big contrast compared to the explicit sexual acts being performed by different members throughout the club.
“You’ll find the bar and general lounging area here. Upstairs are the playrooms,” Michael says, continuing to walk Lucas around the main floor. “That will be where the Dom’s and their subs hold private scenes while here at the club. I supply all the equipment, toys, food, aftercare packages, and a variety of other things for the members to use to ensure everyone is playing safe and are well-taken care of.”
Lucas is like a kid in a candy store.
He’s wide-eyed and buzzing with excitement, eager to run off and touch every pretty little thing. Michael keeps him close, however, while Lucas continues to ignore the many wandering eyes that sneakily drink him in as Michael brings them to the front of the crowd that encases the main stage. Lucas lets out a small gasp at the erotic sight before him, absentmindedly gripping Michael’s arm to help keep himself grounded.
“Master, what the hell is this called?”
“Exhibitionism.” Michael chuckles. “Some members like to put on a show for the crowd. Being watched and admired by strangers as they lose themselves in a scene, that’s what they get off on. I told you all types of people come here to escape from the real world. I had to make sure to have a center stage installed specifically for freaks like that.”
Lucas has trouble taking his eyes off the gorgeously bound woman who is currently dangling from bright red ropes that come down from the ceiling.
“The Domme standing over there to the right goes by the name of Mistress Nova,” Michael says. “The woman that’s tied up with the fucked-out expression on her face is Mistress Nova’s submissive, Jaime. They’re big into shibari, and Jaime especially enjoys getting fucked by her Mistress in public. They’re an entertaining duo and very popular around here.”
“I'm sure. But all those ropes…” Lucas asks, concerned but amazed. “Jaime isn’t in any pain?”
“Shibari is a fascinating form of rope bondage that requires a lot of skill and trust between partners. When done right, you experience no pain or discomfort,” Michael explains. “Mistress Nova is so experienced that she’s able to fuck her submissive just like that, dangling in midair. In fact, she has in the past. I witnessed a scene of theirs once before and it was definitely... an unforgettable experience.”
Mistress Nova, as if having known she was being talked about, suddenly looks over at Michael and Lucas. She greets them both with a flirty wink. Michael waves her off before pulling Lucas away from the horny and howling crowd. They walk over to the bar and have a seat. Lucas didn’t know how thirsty, literally and figuratively, he’d become until after Michael speaks with the bartender to order him a glass of cold water.
“Can I get something stronger?” Lucas asks.
“Water and juice are the only two things available,” Michael says. “I’m not comfortable with anyone playing while under the influence of alcohol, so I don’t serve it here.”
“Wow. You’ve really thought of everything.” Lucas accepts his drink from the cute twink of a bartender. The boy is a submissive in training, based on the black collar he’s wearing. He makes brief eye contact with Lucas and smiles politely before leaving to assist other patrons. “Something I’ve noticed since we got here is that everyone who’s a submissive, they never look you in the face,” Lucas says to Michael. “Only the Dom’s seem to acknowledge you. Why is that?”
“I suppose it can be considered a universal rule when it comes to this lifestyle in saying that no submissive is to meet the eyes of a Dominant for whom they don’t belong to, or at least not without first being given permission by that Dominant,” Michael says. “If you belong to me, there’s no reason for you to look at someone who isn’t me, for example.”
“That’s a bit possessive, isn’t it?” Lucas sips on his water to keep from smiling. He wants Michael badly. Wants to be consumed by him in every way possible. “And what about the subs? Can they interact with one another, or do they need their Dom’s permission to do that, too?”
“Depends, really. Some Dom’s are strict with their submissives while others are more lax.”
“Which are you?” Lucas asks. “Strict or relaxed?”
“You’ll find out soon enough,” Michael answers, smiling mischievously. “Finish up your drink and then I’ll take you upstairs to see the inside of one of the playrooms.”
Lucas does as he’s told, leaving behind nothing in the glass but the ice cubes. He blushes all the way up to the tops of his ears as Michael guides him, hand in hand, up a long spiral staircase that takes them to the second floor. Lucas can’t help but imagine how it would feel to have Michael’s big hands on another part of his body, have Michael's fingers wrapped tightly around his—
“See how certain rooms have different colored ribbons hanging from the doorknobs?” Michael whispers, purposely keeping his voice low to not cause a disturbance to those playing within the rooms. “Tell me what you think each color means.”
“Well…” Lucas looks around, quickly putting the puzzle pieces together. “Red has to mean do not disturb. Green must mean that… we can go inside and watch or participate?”
"Good boy. That's correct." Michael smiles, looking proud. “And for the doorknobs with nothing on them, it means the room is unoccupied and can be used by a couple.”
“What’s up with that room down there?" Lucas points to the end of the hall where a room with a black door resides. “Is that your playroom, Master?”
“No. That’s where all the toys and other equipment are. Come. I’ll show you.”
As they walk down the hallway, Lucas does his best to keep from getting turned on by all the moaning and groaning that pours through the doors of the occupied rooms. Michael takes out a key and opens the door for Lucas, receiving yet another cute little gasp of shock mixed with wonder. The redhead is tempting Michael in ways he didn’t know were possible.
“Hot damn!" Lucas exclaims. "This room is bigger than my whole damn apartment. I can’t believe you have a mini storage room for sex toys, and I bet it’s not the only one.”
“No, it’s not.” Michael laughs softly. “I can’t be caught in the position where I run out of toys for my members to play with. I always have to have a backup for the backup.”
Lucas takes a few more steps into the room, his eyes scanning every toy hanging from the walls. He has no fear in his heart, only that of genuine curiosity. Michael quietly closes the door and walks a few feet behind Lucas, not wanting to invade his space as he explores.
“I assume you have workers on the payroll who clean these regularly?”
“Of course. And the playrooms as well,” Michael replies. “Toys that have been used during a scene are left in the playrooms to be picked up by one of the cleaners. They’re then taken to another floor to be properly sanitized.”
“Another floor? Exactly how many do you own in this building?”
“All of them.”
Lucas turns around quickly to give Michael a stupefied look. “You… you’re saying this entire building is yours?”
“Yes. Real estate is a very lucrative business. I got into it as a means of having another steady revenue stream,” Michael explains. “Besides, buying the whole building instead of renting a few floors for my club makes my life easier when it comes to privacy and such. I can come and go as I please at any time of the day without being questioned or looked at suspiciously.”
“Jesus, you're just full of surprises.” Lucas chuckles, shaking his head. “Now I understand why you prefer to keep the location of this place a secret… because you live somewhere in this building, don’t you? This isn’t only where you come to play; this is also your home.”
Michael grins, giving Lucas a small round of applause. “You're a very smart boy.”
“Sometimes you make it too easy for me.” Lucas teases, done browsing as he walks toward the exit. He ends up pausing near the door instead of opening it. “You’ve been in this lifestyle longer than I have and I wonder… I wonder if you’ve ever been in a vanilla relationship before. One where kink wasn’t involved.”
It’s quiet for a moment.
Then Lucas hears the footsteps approaching him. When he finally has the courage to turn around, Michael is there, standing in front of him with an impassive look on his face.
“In general, I don't do relationships, Lucas. But I have had vanilla sex before, and I’m not completely opposed to it. However, being in a strictly vanilla relationship with someone long-term? No. I can’t do that. And I say that because there are some people who practice BDSM intermittently, and then there are people like me who consider this a lifestyle rather than a hobby. If my partner can’t be on the same page as me when it comes to this world, when it comes to my sexual desires, then we’re simply not compatible. End of story.”
It’s not what Lucas had wanted to hear, but he can respect it.
Vanilla relationships bore him too, but now and then he wouldn’t mind a cheesy walk in the park or Netflix and Chilling at home. Lucas wants to do it all with Michael, but at the same time, he has to remember he isn’t here to become Michael’s boyfriend. He’s here to find out what it will take to become Michael’s submissive.
“I can respect that,” Lucas answers, sounding somewhat despondent. “It makes sense.”
“Check in with me.” Michael reaches out to caress Lucas’ face, studying his sad expression. “How are you feeling right now?”
“I’m okay, Master.”
“You sure? Or are you just telling me what I want to hear?”
"I don't know. I..." Lucas sighs, shrugging. "I just don't know.”
“Tell me what’s bothering you, Lucas. Tell me so that I can better help you.”
“It's just… everything here has been a lot to digest. I thought I could handle it at first, but now… I'm not so sure. I think I’m just feeling overwhelmed. Not scared or anything like that, just having trouble processing everything because it’s all happening so fast,” Lucas pauses to breathe while looking down at the floor, slightly embarrassed. “You’re not disappointed in me, are you?”
“Why would I be disappointed in you, Lucas?”
“Because of my reaction just now, and because of how I’m not really keeping it all together like I should…” Lucas pouts, glancing up to meet Michael’s concerned eyes. “Admit it. I’d make a terrible submissive, wouldn’t I?”
“No, you wouldn’t.” Michael smiles, being sincere. “I think you’d make a fine submissive, and do you know why?” Lucas shakes his head, surprised by Michael’s statement. “Because Dom’s like me greatly desire honesty. You being honest and open with me tonight about how you feel lets me know that there is a part of you that trusts me. You trust me enough to tell me about your worries, and that means more to me than you’ll ever know. So, no, I’m not disappointed in you, Lucas. If anything, I’m proud.”
Lucas tried, but he just can’t take it anymore.
The butterflies in his stomach are acting up again, and he feels his self-control wavering as he daringly takes a step forward, whispering sweetly, “Master…”
Lucas places his hands on Michael’s chest, maintaining eye contact while wetting his own lips with his tongue. Michael’s eyes catch the act, and it turns him on immensely as he visualizes Lucas' tongue running along the length of his throbbing erection. Michael can’t take it anymore either. He grips Lucas by the waist, holding him steady as he backs Lucas into the door.
“What is it you think you’re doing right now, pretty boy?” Michael smirks, narrowing his eyes. “Are you trying to kiss me?”
“Maybe,” Lucas answers, feeling bold.
“Have I given you permission to kiss me?”
“N-No.” Lucas stifles back a moan when he feels Michael’s fingertips dig into his sides, setting his skin ablaze. “Master didn’t give me permission to initiate a kiss...”
The sexual tension between the two of them has gone through the roof. Lucas is at Michael’s beck and call, and he doesn’t even know it. He thought he had been in control for a moment there, thought he could pull a fast one and seduce Michael into kissing him. Unfortunately, the Dom is stronger on the inside than what he looks like on the outside.
“So, you thought to take something from me without asking?" Michael speaks in a teasing manner, though his expression is serious. "You should know that’s against my rules, and I don't reward pretty boys who break them.”
Lucas’ breath hitches as Michael presses a thumb to his mouth, forcing Lucas to release his bottom lip from between his teeth. Lucas takes the opportunity to pull another fast one. He tilts his head forward and captures Michael’s thumb in his mouth, sucking on it gently while keeping eye contact. Michael doesn’t immediately pull away. Instead, he laughs, and his voice is deep and coated in lust and the desire to punish.
“One minute you’re feeling overwhelmed and the next minute you want something to suck on.” Michael pulls his wet thumb out of Lucas’ mouth in order to place his hand around Lucas’ throat, not squeezing it, but more so preventing him from being any naughtier by moving to do something he shouldn’t. “You don’t know what you want right now, do you?”
On the contrary, Lucas knows exactly what he wants.
He wants his cock to be free from his pants and stroked until he cums hard. He wants to be kissed and fucked without mercy up against this door. He wants Michael inside of him now, and not a minute later. Lucas wants a lot of things. The most important one being…
“You. I just want you, Master.” Lucas drops his hands to his sides and tilts his head back, exhibiting vulnerability as he exposes more of his neck to Michael. “Right here. Right now. I want you. Please. Just want a little taste...”
Hearing Lucas beg has Michael nearing his breaking point.
Michael exhales a shaky breath as he leans forward to mark Lucas’ neck with his teeth… but he stops at the last second, stops before his lips make contact with the redhead’s soft, pale skin. Michael curses under his breath as he regains control of himself. He slowly backs away from Lucas, desperate to get some space between them before he says to hell with his rules and throws Lucas down on the floor to fuck him.
“We should go outside and get some fresh air before we cross a line that neither of us can come back from,” Michael suggests, and from the torn sound of his voice, Lucas can tell this moment has Michael feeling just as hot as Lucas.
“Y-Yeah. I think that's a good idea.”
Lucas doesn’t put up a fight. He listens to his Master and puts his good boy cap back on. He isn’t trying to get punished, at least not until after the paperwork has been signed.
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