Saturday is so close that Lucas can almost taste it.
He has been on edge since having dinner with Michael a few nights ago. It'd been a dinner that opened Lucas' eyes to the possibility that he could get more out of life than lazy fucks and thoughtless gifts from sugar daddies that were only good for making failed promises.
To hell with them all.
Lucas is done being part of that toxic lifestyle. These days, his thoughts and desires predominantly revolve around one man and one man only—Michael Landon.
"Honestly, I'm not surprised to hear that you've linked up with some kinky whip-toting sadist," Barbara says. "Not surprised at all. But I do hope you're being careful."
"Okay, first of all—I am being careful, thanks for your concern. Secondly, his name is Michael, and he's not a whip-toting sadist." Lucas corrects. "Lastly, a person doing kink doesn't automatically mean they're out here wailing on people for fun. BDSM and sadism exist under the same umbrella but are two completely different things."
"Aw, look at you sounding all educated! Did your new kink daddy teach you all that?" Barbara teases.
"I literally can't stand you." Lucas rolls his eyes, gradually regretting having run his mouth to his sister about the sexy new man in his life.
"I can't stand me either," Barbara laughs. "But you said you like this guy, right? And he's already sweet-talked you into visiting his kink dungeon on Saturday. So, what's your plan? You can't just let him seduce you and have his wicked way with you... I mean, unless that's what you're into."
Lucas sighs, rubbing his temples. "Can you please stop being overdramatic for five minutes?"
Barbara is as vanilla as it gets, so it'd only make sense that her reaction to Michael be one that's covered in ignorance. Lucas should have seen this coming from a mile away. You can't force someone with a closed mind to stop and be open towards something that they've never understood or never cared enough to try understanding.
"I'm not going to the club for sex," Lucas clarifies. "Michael is just going to show me around, and if I end up liking what I see... then we'll take things to the next level. But no matter what, I'll always be safe. I'll never do something that I'm not comfortable with, so you really don't have to worry about me like that."
"You're my baby brother," Barbara says. "I'll never stop worrying about you."
Barbara gets up from the lounge chair to join Lucas on the large sofa. Being his big sister, she can't help but baby him from time to time. She pulls him in close and has him rest his head on her lap. She gently begins to stroke his curly red hair, something she used to do when they were kids, knowing it helps him relax.
Lucas is visibly stressing out over this Michael guy, and because Lucas rarely talks about specific boys with her, Barbara knows Michael has to be something special. Otherwise, Lucas wouldn't have given him the time of day.
"Listen, I know I'm probably the worst person to talk to when it comes to these things, and I'm sorry for not being much help, but I just want you to know that I appreciate you coming to me with this," Barbara says. "I'm no Oprah or Dr. Phil, but I try my best. And to answer your question about what you should do about Michael... well, I say if you really like this guy, and if the freaky bound-and-gag-me lifestyle is something you're genuinely into, then I say go for it."
Lucas laughs. "Do you really mean that?"
"Yeah! Go out with him. Have fun. Make new friends in that community. Do it all!" Barbara encourages, sounding sincere. "Maybe you'll end up finding a part of yourself that you hadn't known was missing."
"Maybe you're right."
"But! Before you go out and do anything, I need you to promise me something."
"I'm almost afraid to ask what that something is..."
"If you and Michael get serious and start going steady with one another," Barbara says, "just promise me you'll bring him around to meet the family."
"Oh my God," Lucas groans, embarrassed. "Do people even do that anymore? Bring their boyfriends home to meet their parents? It's so high school."
"No, it's not!" Barbara objects. "Don't forget that you're the baby bird in this family. We all have to look after you extra hard, and that includes grilling your man to make sure he's the right one for you. I, especially, have to be the one doing the grilling because Mom and Dad are too soft."
"Michael is a hard nut to crack," Lucas says. "I'm not sure you'll be able to break him."
"I'm up for the challenge anyway," Barbara smirks.
Although Lucas isn't related to his family by blood, he is still forever grateful for their unconditional love and support. He may be the only one in the family that's the opposite of prim and proper, but at the end of the day, he's still a Jordan. His parents and sister all love him for him, no matter how wild his personality gets.
"But seriously, Lucas. Just listen to your gut instincts and follow your heart," Barbara concludes. "Those two things can't possibly take you down the wrong path."
"Thanks for the chat, sis. You actually helped me out quite a bit, believe it or not." Lucas laughs. "Hey, do you think Mom and Dad will be pissed if I left early? I kind of have a party to go to..."
"Dude, you already know how they are about family night," Barbara says. "Your excuse for leaving early needs to be better than you wanting to go party with your friends."
Ever since Lucas had gotten adopted by the Jordan's at seven-years-old, never having known his real parents, he has always been treated like a biological member of the family. Lucas has never felt unwanted by the Jordan's, and they've never been the type to ask too much of him. Sacrificing one night to spend with his sister and their parents won't kill him. It's the least he can do for Laurie and Harvey Jordan, the only Mom and Dad he's ever known.
"You're right," Lucas says. "I guess I'll stick around."
* * *
Lucas manages to make it to the party before midnight strikes.
An hour into it, however, Lucas finds himself not having the fun that he'd been hoping to have.
Everyone around him is cheery and drunk and having a grand time. The booze never seems to run out and pills are being passed around like tic-tac's. Lucas even got hit on by four different men, each of them hot as sin, but the desire to entertain them had been nonexistent. Lucas is off his game tonight. He knows it and so does his friends.
"Well, this is a mighty unusual sight..." Ashlynn, the party thrower and one of Lucas' close friends, plops down next to him on the couch that he's been sitting on since he got here. "I've passed by this room about a hundred times tonight and I've yet to see you move from this spot. Why is that?"
"I don't know. I'm just not feeling it tonight," Lucas answers. "Coming here might've been a mistake."
"Then if that's the case, you know you can leave anytime, right?" Ashlynn says, growing concerned. "You don't have to sit through every shitshow that I put together just because we're friends. I'll occasionally let you off the hook." She playfully nudges Lucas in the side, trying to get a smile out of him. "Whatever's bothering you, we can go somewhere quieter if you wanna talk about it..."
"Nah, I'm good. I've just had a really long day today," Lucas replies. "Probably will be best if I go home and rest. I promise I'll bring the fun to the next party."
After Ashlynn rushes off to scold someone for knocking a family picture off the wall, Lucas heads outside to get some fresh air while waiting for his Uber to arrive. His phone rings ten minutes later with an incoming call from a man that he's been thinking about all night.
"Hello, Lucas. Sorry for calling so late. I hope I didn't catch you at a bad time."
"N-not at all! I told you I'm a night owl, remember?"
"I do. And I know it's been a few days since we last spoke, so I just wanted to check in with you to see how you were doing."
"Oh. I'm fine. I'm actually just leaving a party and am on my way home. How are you?"
"Suddenly concerned about your wellbeing..."
"You're being a little irresponsible tonight, are you not?"
"Don't get me wrong. I don't have a problem with you partying this late. But from the sound of it, you're alone and are currently under the influence of something. That makes you vulnerable. You're an easy target and that makes me uncomfortable knowing danger may very well be lurking around the corner right now. As your temporary Dom, this worries me, Lucas. Do you understand where I'm coming from?"
Temporary Dom?
Lucas places a hand over his chest to keep his heart from flying out of it.
Michael is his temporary Dom? Since when? Lucas hasn't forgotten about the dinner that they had a few days ago. He remembers every word that Michael had spoken, and he'd said as clear as day that he couldn't be Lucas' Dom. But now he is? When had Michael changed his mind? And more importantly, why is Lucas just now finding out about it?
"I-I'm sorry, Master. You really don't have to worry about me! I promise I've been a good boy tonight. I've only had two beers, so I'm barely buzzed. I actually left the party early..."
"Oh? How come?"
"I don't know. The vibe was off?" Lucas sighs. "I think I'm just tired. I haven't been able to get much sleep lately."
"I know it isn't easy, but you must take better care of yourself, Lucas. If you decide you want to continue seeing me after Saturday, I'll need you in tip-top shape. I say that because BDSM is more than a mental escape; it can be physically demanding as well. I wouldn't want you to get hurt. Understand?"
"Yes, Master. I understand."
"Good boy. Now, I don't want to take up too much more of your time, so I'll let you go. Please call or text me when you make it home so that I can have the peace of mind knowing you made it in alright."
"I will. I'll call you as soon as I get in."
"I'll be seeing you soon, Lucas. Sleep well."
"Thank you, Master. Have a good night."
Lucas ends the call sporting the world's biggest grin, completely unaware that Michael is at home looking just as smitten.
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