An all-expenses paid trip and free food are two things that Lucas will never turn down.
When Lucas received the invitation from his friend Joshua asking if Lucas would like to join him at a YouTube convention for the weekend, Lucas immediately accepted. And he has since spent most of his time hanging out with Joshua and his boyfriend, Rory Carter.
Rory is a popular fitness YouTuber and the reason for Lucas and Joshua being allowed inside the exclusive convention for YouTube's most distinguished creators. Rory is currently on another floor networking while Joshua and Lucas continue making their way around the large venue, seeing what all there is to see.
"You are truly something else," Joshua chuckles, shaking his head at Lucas. "We've barely been here two hours and you've already gotten five phone numbers. I'm honestly impressed."
"What can I say? When I see something I like, I'm not afraid to go after it." Lucas smirks. "Life is too short, babe. I'm trying to get as much dick as I can before I wither up and die."
"Wow. What a statement."
"I'm nothing if not an honest bitch," Lucas laughs with Joshua.
Lucas is genuinely surprised by how good of a time he's been having, considering he's never been to an event like this before.
His sugar daddies have taken him to all sorts of amazing places in the past, but never has he been to a YouTube convention. Admittedly, Lucas is out of his element. But for a free-spirited wild child like him, he knows exactly how to create his own fun no matter where he is.
Part of the fun today has been him testing himself to see how many hot boys he can reel in.
"Forgive my ignorance, but I always assumed these YouTube shindigs consisted of nothing but gamer nerds and wannabe comedians," Lucas says. "I'm pleasantly surprised to see so many handsome men out and about. I can't believe you've been keeping all this to yourself."
"Trust me, it hasn't been on purpose," Joshua sheepishly replies. "Since Rory and I have been together, he's only managed to get me to go to one event with him. This is literally my second time coming to one of these things. You know how I am about large crowds..."
"Yeah, I know this isn't really your scene. You'd rather be home watching Netflix and stuffing your face with candy," Lucas teases. "Personally, I love coming to places like this. Gives me the chance to make new connections, and... oh my God." Lucas whistles at a man passing by. He's tall, brawny, decked out in an anime cosplay, and is probably the sexiest nerd that Lucas has ever seen. "Hey, handsome! I like the way you're carrying that big sword!"
The man slows his pace to give Lucas a look as if he isn't sure who Lucas is speaking to.
"Sweet baby Jesus, you've got enough phone numbers for the day! Leave that poor man alone." Joshua laughs, tugging Lucas along. "Let's see what's on the next floor."
Being at an event like this has made Lucas do some serious self-reflecting in his downtime.
It's been popularized to poke fun at YouTubers and other influencers by saying that what they're doing isn't that of a 'real' job, despite all the time that they pour into their craft and money that they make. Lucas, ashamedly, felt that way before getting to know Rory. At first, Lucas couldn't fathom how Rory was making over six-figures simply by recording and uploading workout videos to YouTube. Lucas couldn't see the appeal, but millions of others did, and that was enough to catapult Rory to fame.
Lucas eventually gave Rory a chance, for Joshua's sake, and his eyes have finally been opened now that he's gotten to experience a bit of the life that Rory Carter lives. Lucas better understands Rory's work ethic now that he's gotten to see firsthand how the man runs his business. Rory is basically an entrepreneur. Millions of people follow him online. Millions of people seek his workout advice, buy his products, and basically fund his entire lifestyle.
It's inspiring as hell, but sad at the same time because it forces Lucas to look at himself and make comparisons.
All of Lucas' friends are out taking risks and living their best lives. Everyone but him. That truth makes Lucas want to go out and seek more for himself. Makes him want to do more with his life instead of remaining stuck and complacent bagging groceries at barely thirteen dollars an hour. There's also the part where he finesses older men for money and lavish gifts.
With any luck, one day Lucas Jordan will get his shit together and figure out his purpose.
"Hey, I just got a text from Rory." Joshua opens the message on his phone and reads it aloud. "He says we can meet up with him on the fifth floor because he's done with his interview. Thank God. Now we can finally go to that restaurant that we talked about earlier."
"Out of curiosity, who's paying for all this?" Lucas asks.
"YouTube! They're paying for everything, including the hotel we're staying in," Joshua answers. "All tabs are on them. Isn't that great?"
"Hell yeah! Now I won't have to feel bad about ordering everything off the menu that sounds good," Lucas says. "You know my stomach is a bottomless pit."
Joshua laughs in agreement. "Same here."
As the two make their way towards the elevator, Lucas is abruptly flagged down by a woman working a hair care booth. Lucas briefly looks at Joshua. Joshua shrugs and mutters, "Why not?" Lucas looks back at the smiling woman and decides to give her a few minutes of his time.
"I hope you have a good pitch," Lucas says after stopping near the booth, "because I didn't bring money with me to blow on shampoos and conditioners."
"Oh, no! I don't want you to buy anything," the woman replies. "I'm just... as you were walking by, I couldn't help but notice how incredible your hair looks. It's so bouncy and full of life! I assume you're some sort of an influencer? I'd love to gift you a couple of my hair care products in exchange for an honest review that you could post to your followers. I mean, truth be told, you really don't need the supplies, but I figured I'd shoot my shot anyway. You're just so gorgeous!"
Lucas blinks, confused, but flattered. "Thanks... and I'm sorry, but I'm not actually an influencer."
"Yet!" Joshua cuts in, throwing an arm around Lucas to keep him from saying something that'll block this potential blessing. "Do you have a business card, Miss? He'd love to review your products and maybe later discuss the possibility of a partnership?"
"For sure! That'd be great." The woman hurriedly fishes out her business card and passes it to Lucas. "You seriously look like you belong on the front of a magazine. Have you ever thought about modeling?"
Blushing, Lucas shakes his head. "No, but maybe I'll look into it after today. I'll be in touch."
"I hope so. You two enjoy the rest of your evening!" the woman says as Lucas and Joshua walk away.
"What the fuck just happened back there?" Lucas releases a nervous giggle after he and Joshua are inside the elevator. "Was I literally scouted just now?"
"Hell yeah, you were!" Joshua cheers on his friend. "You heard her loud and clear—you've got the look. It's time you learn how to capitalize on it."
"No way," Lucas whispers, suddenly feeling insecure. "Me... an influencer? No. I can't even picture it."
"Maybe you should start," Joshua encourages. "I'm willing to bet you have an audience out there somewhere. You're good looking, you have no filter, and you're crazy hilarious even when you're not trying to be. You totally have the personality to be an entertainer, Lucas." Joshua gives his friend a playful shoulder bump. "Stop doubting yourself and start believing in yourself because you're worth more than you think."
Lucas has never been the emotional type, but Joshua's words hit him hard.
Having to live in a judgmental world where he barely feels accepted, it's nice to hear that he's not as worthless as he occasionally feels.
"I came here to shop around for some new dick and have a good time... crying in an elevator with you was so not part of the plan for today." Lucas laughs, dabbing at the corners of his eyes. "I love you, bitch." He pulls Joshua in for a tight hug. "Thanks for believing in me, even when I can't find the strength to believe in myself."
The elevator doors open before they're able to separate.
A man steps inside.
An extremely attractive looking man who makes Lucas' cock stir awake.
The man is tall with dark hair and intimidating blue eyes. He appears to be in his late twenties, early thirties. The light stubble on his face makes him look older, more sophisticated. He's well-dressed in a sharp three-piece navy blue suit paired with expensive looking cufflinks and a gigantic gold watch that's on his left wrist. He screams money. Big money. Lucas is so shaken by the handsome man that, for once, he doesn't immediately blurt out an obscene comment about what he'd like to do with the guy after dark.
Lucas simply stares at him. Stares in silence and in awe. Want tugs at him from a place that has been impenetrable by others—his fragile heart—and it startles Lucas when the man eventually turns to make eye contact with him and Joshua.
"My apologies," he says with a sexy deep voice. "I didn't mean to interrupt the moment you two were having. Promise it wasn't on purpose," the man teases, smiling.
"Oh, it wasn't like that! We're best friends, not lovers," Joshua clarifies. "I was just congratulating him on his new partnership with Platinum Hair. He was scouted by a rep a few minutes ago. They loved his look and wanted to collab."
"Hmm. That's not surprising. You most certainly have a look about you," the man says, directing his attention to Lucas. "Congratulations on your new partnership."
Lucas looks at the man's extended hand for a second, noting his perfectly manicured nails, before pulling together the nerve to shake it. Lucas looks up again, forcing himself to make eye contact with what has to be the most gorgeous human being he's ever seen.
"Has anyone ever told you how goddamn stunning you look? Because... wow. It isn't often that I'm rendered speechless by men."
And there he is—the real Lucas Jordan peeking his head out to play.
"I haven't been complimented quite like that before, no." The man laughs, pulling his hand back. "But thank you. You're quite the looker yourself. I can see why you were scouted by such a reputable company."
"I'm flattered you think so." Lucas blushes again. The second time for today. "I don't see a ring on your finger. Does that mean you're single, Mister?"
"Very. And you?" The man straightens up a bit, becoming a little more attentive. The word Mister sounds dangerously close to what his submissives normally call him, Master.
"And me?" Lucas grins big, his wits and confidence slowly returning to him. He steps closer to the man and boldly reaches for his hand, intertwining their fingers together. "Hopefully not for much longer."
Lucas meets the man's intense gaze and is swiftly engulfed in his beautiful ocean eyes. It's almost as if Lucas' body has taken control of the situation, his mind gone away for a break, tossing all logic out of the window because he's never been this touchy with a stranger before. Flirtatious, yes. But never this handsy. Luckily for him, the man doesn't seem to mind. He hasn't pushed Lucas away, so maybe he's interested.
"Where are you headed, Mister?" Lucas asks softly.
"Wherever you're headed, gorgeous." The man plays it smooth, his interest peaked. He's never been approached by someone this forward. Lucas has him intrigued, and he's suddenly curious to learn more about the lively redhead.
"Joshy." Lucas looks back at Joshua with a pleading expression. "Would you mind if I took off to go get into some trouble with my sexy new friend here? I swear I'll check in with you before midnight to let you know I'm still alive."
"I would appreciate that." Joshua chuckles, nodding. He knows Lucas is more than capable of handling himself, so he doesn't make a scene. "You two be safe and have fun." Joshua holds his phone up to snap a picture of the man's face, later threatening him. "You hurt my friend and I'll kill you. Got that?"
"Michael Landon is the name," the man says to Joshua. "And I'll take good care of your friend. You have my word."
"Yeah, okay." Joshua exits the elevator once it reaches his floor. He turns around and yells just before the doors close. "No fucking on the first date!"
As the elevator descends, Lucas looks up at Michael and flashes a wicked grin. "That's his rule, not mine."
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