Rejoice, dear readers! This page is on time! I've got a new schedule now that so far seems to be working, so hopefully this'll mean more consistent uploads in the future.
About the page itself, I was worried that having a page where very little happens wasn't that great since I've made y'all wait so long, but it's good to have little silly pages every now and then, even if they don't really move the plot along.
(Also also, Red's outfit is super cute and I'm super happy with how it turned out and I'm super jazzed that y'all finally get to see the whole thing!)
Fairylanders; the people who possess magical trinkets called Lockets, using their power to change the world. However, some Fairylanders, like the Wizard, have chosen to use their Lockets for nefarious purposes.
A young Fairylander named Red has chosen to stand against the Wizard and his schemes, calling upon the aid of several unexpected and slightly strange allies with powers like hers. However, no one ever said saving the world would be easy, and when a legendary Fairylander might be involved? Well, that's all part of the fun, isn't it?Read more
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