Flink is Vany’s small feathery companion. Originally a raven I decided to change him to resemble a Steller Jay more. Although he is his own new species. I wanted him to be smaller so that he could hide in Vany's hair.
I have always been a bit ashamed that when I introduced Flink/Raven in my comic, he was a pretty vague character. I was not even sure if he was male or female. So I went back to the writing board and worked on it. I mostly wanted him to be the Jiminy Cricket to Vany's Pinocchio.
Flink is male and fully developed bird. To contrast with Vany's other bird friend, Hatcher who is female.
He is also Vany's first ever friend before she met other people. Great at detecting malignant intent. Flink is mainly driven by instinct and he is good at reminding Vany to listen to her “inner animal” when it comes to dealing with people.
Side stories and behind the scenes from the comic series Oberland.
Vany and her family live in a land known as Oberland. An unrecognizable yet ever familiar future, full of awes and woes. A land threatened by tyrants, secret covens, the unhuman forces, and the freezing cold itself.
But life must go on, and as it turns out, living day by day in this world is not as bad as it sounds.Read more
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