With every act there is an echo. With every act, you change the world.
Broken Stars is a series of supplemental stories starting with the prequel trilogy to our main ongoing comic, "And Help Us to Rebuild the Sky."
Part 1:
Sungrazed- art by Anniku Pineda- is the beginning of a comic about two boys from different worlds who bond over the similarities they find in each other and the different ways they have found to survive. It is also about how even short encounters can have a lasting impact. (Complete)
Part 2:
Sunkissed- art by Anniku Pineda- a prince and a servant hold a connection stronger than any army. Five years after the events in Sungrazed, Keahi and Vorca meet once again, or is it for the first time…? Something has changed in Keahi, and while the young prince is resigned to his fate, Vorca refuses to let him give up. (Complete)
Part 3:
The Reality of Us- art by Shallah Jones- set in-between the beginning and the end, Vorca and Keahi find desperate solutions for impossible situations. (Complete)
Part 4:
Sunburned-art by Anniku Pineda- Vorca's days are numbered. He knows his contract is coming due, and the only person who can save him has disappeared. Now he must find the courage to take control of his own destiny in the final chapter of the Sun Prequels. (complete)
Part 5:
The Divide- art by Lee Milewski- a bit of background for the hulk of a bodyguard/Commander of the Imperium: Gareth Sonder. Who was he before he was shelled and what happened?
Part 6:
The Flood- art by Lucia E.- a one shot of what happens right before issue 7 of Rebuild the Sky.Read more
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