Hi everyone! First of all..
I'm like, super late, super slow, super... Many things, but first.. Super busy, with the comic itself. This page isn't, of course! Just a little thing to make you all giggle, and keep waiting. ♥ I'll create a special page for the extras, like this one, because.. It's just too funny.
Well, well! All of that to say that I'm not dead, and that the comic will continue on really, really soon!
He is socially awkward. He enjoys what life brings up, to him. He smiles, whenever he feels the need to. He is this weird, happy pink-haired kid; that never fails to provoke the people around him, which make him look a little silly.
But this silly boy have a secret. Torn, between his anxieties... Gou, is fighting everyday, against his overthinking mind that never fails to make his smile heavier to keep on. "Worthless", is the main word that rule his existence. Until this day...
As a Hero, is a Boys Love/YAOI comic!
Beware... NSFW may appear!
Oh, and this is my first Webcomic ever.Read more
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