Once I had gotten home, I went straight up to my room so that I could work on my study packet. I obviously started on the first question on the first sheet.
It was slightly difficult, but nothing that I couldn't handle. It was anew typed of percentage question that I did not exactly get. But I was sure that Mr. Mathews would explain it tomorrow.
I tried to do the question on my own, but I was not sure that I had the right answer. So I would ask Mr. Mathews during the next math class.
I had moved on to the second question when Malissa barged into my bedroom and said,
"Hey, loser!" Malissa said and threw her Math study pack (that she must have gotten early too) onto my desk. "Do it. I want to get a good grade on the math test. Make sure that you get every single question correct because we would be able to use it during the test."
"We are able to use it during the test?" I asked, kinda shocked. "I did not know that."
"Obviously," Malissa said. "Just do my packet."
Malissa then walked out of my bedroom and slammed the door.
I then sighed, and then kept on working on my packet. I was sure that Malissa would switch them around, so I would want to make sure that I would know if Malissa switches my assignment around.
I then wrote my name at the top of the sheet in pen, and I also ended up writing my name on the front and back of every single sheet in my study packet in pen.
I then continued to work on my study packet so that I would get some things done, so that I would have time to fix my answers, and understand the topic better.
I then finished the front and back of the sheet when I decided that I did enough math for the day.
I then grabbed my study packet and put it in the secret drawer that is in my dresser, so that Malissa would not take it.
I then sat back down at my desk and worked on my story in my English notebook.
I had been working on my story for about ten minutes when I heard my phone vibrate in my bag.
I then pulled my phone out of my bag so that I could see who tested me. And I saw that it was Ally who sent me a text. And it said,
"Can we talk?"
I then opened my phone, and typed,
"No, you betrayed me." And hit send.
It took ten seconds for Ally to reply back, and she said,
"I am sorry, I never wanted to hurt you. It's just that Malissa threatened to break my violin and spread a nasty rumor about me."
I then typed,
"So your social status and violin mean better? I would understand about your violin, but violins can be fixed, but friendships cannot." And sent the message.
I then excited Ally's contact, and went to Jake's contact, and started to type,
"Hi, do you wanna chat?" I was about to hit send, when Malissa opened the door, and stormed into my room, and shouted,
And then I could hear our parents coming up the stairs, and then walked in behind Malissa. And they looked mad.
"What do you mean?" I said. "He is my friend."
"He should not be your friend anymore." My mom said.
"We will not allow you to hurt Ally's feelings." My dad said. "You are going to be in serious trouble if you do something like this again."
I then sighed, and said,
"Why are you always so mean to me?" I said. "What have I done to you?"
"You existed." My mom said. "We were only wanting one child, and you just so happened to come along. You had to be taken out by surgery, and you ruined my life."
I then could not speak. I felt a hole in my chest. It was like I could barely breathe. Parents are not supposed to say things like this.
Tears then started to run down my cheeks, and they all left my room.
'Why do they have to be soo mean to me?' I thought. 'I am still their daughter, they should still love me.'
I then sent my message to Jake, and he replied and said,
"Sure. Do you want to call?"
I replied, and said,
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