Once Jake and I got to the art class, we entered and found a place to sit down. To my relief the class had not started yet, so we were not late, which I was very happy about.
I then looked around the classroom and saw that Malissa was not in this art class.
But Ally was. And I am no longer happy about that because of what she did. Which I am still not happy about. But I have moved on from that.
After a minute had passed, the art teacher said,
"Good afternoon, class," The art teacher said. "My name is Mr. Johnsan. And the first thing that I will have you do today is to do some drawing in your notebooks. Feel free to draw anything that you want as long as it is school appropriate."
I then grabbed my art notebook and my pencil case from my bag and then again pulled out my sharpie, and put "Art" on the front cover of my notebook.
Then I put my sharpie away, and pulled out my pencil and eraser, and turned to the first page in my notebook, and started to draw.
I don't think that I am that good at drawing, because no one would ever give me good feedback on it. My family would just say that it sucks.
I then started on an anime girl. And then I heard the door open.
I then looked at the door and saw that it was Malissa. And she was looking frustrated.
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