'yes!' I thought as I put my ukulele notebook back into my ukulele bag. (I like to keep them in the same bag for some reason).
And as I looked more around the room while I waited for the class to officially start, I saw that there were a few ukuleles and guitars hanging on the walls.
'I guess those are for the students that don't have their own instruments with them, or not at all.' I thought. 'Now I won't have to stress if Malissa would mess up my ukulele sometime.'
And I looked around the classroom more and saw some pretty cool posters of ukuleles and guitars, and then saw a table full of organizers that would most likely be used for holding sheet music and music books.
"Good morning class." The teacher said, then I and some other students replied with a good morning. Part of it sounding enthusiastic, and the other part of it sounding not as enthusiastic.
"My name is Ms. Wentworth, and welcome to the Music Appreciation class." Ms. Wentworth said.
"This class is about singing, playing guitar, and ukulele. And if you don't have an instrument, you would have the option of singing, and using some of the instruments that we have here."
And then a boy with blonde hair and green eyes walked in carrying his guitar case in his hand, and said,
"Sorry I am late." The boy said as he took a seat. "I had to use the bathroom, and the time gaps are pretty thin."
"No worries," Ms. Wentworth said. "I will let you off the hook today, but try to be on time for our next class. We will select some music for the seventh-grade concert, and practice with it. So I will not take being late as lightly today."
I barely caught on to what Ms. Wentworth said because I was fairly sure that the boy that just came in is the most attractive boy in the whole grade. OR even the whole middle school!
There was just something so incredibly cute about the way that his golden blonde hair shined in the sun and the way that his vibrant green eyes shone in the sun.
I then noticed that he was looking at me, and then snapped back into reality, and back into the moment that I was in.
'I bet that Malissa is going to be his girlfriend in no time.' I thought, feeling discouraged. 'they would be perfect for each other in her mind.'
I then barely paid attention to Ms. Wentworth as she talked about the concert that would be coming up soon, and about the options that the school would approve of.
She then announced that there would be one opening for someone to perform a solo or duo performance.
And that caught my attention. I then raised my hand and patiently waited to be called upon by the teacher.
"Yes?" Ms. Wentworth said.
"Would it be okay if someone wanted to do a solo, and sang a song that they wrote?" I asked. "Cause I kinda want to maybe do it."
"Yes, it would be okay," Ms. Wentworth answered. "But the song would have to be school appropriate. But otherwise, that would be okay."
'Yes!' I thought. And then I said, "Thank you." Because it is polite to always say thank you to someone when they answer a question.
And as the class carried on, I looked at the boy who came in late out of the corner of my eye and saw that he was looking out of the corner of his eye at me too.
'I guess that I might have a pretty good chance with him too.' I thought. 'But he probably is just shocked that I decided to try to do the solo at the first music appreciation class of our seventh-grade year.
But what I did not know was that he was starting to have a small crush on me, just like I had a crush on him.
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