I had gotten to my locker, and opened the door when I heard my sister say;
"How dare you talk to the teacher?" Malissa angrily stated. "Now if I do something, the world will turn on me! Shame on you!" I then turned around to face her, and said;
"Jeez, don't be so loud," I replied as I turned around. "Besides, with you talking that loud, the world will have turned on you already."
"Ugh," Malissa angrily said. "You are such a witty loser."
"Thanks for the compliment," I said, and then turned back to my locker to grab my ukulele, and put some of the extra supplies that I had in my backpack into my locker.
I then closed my locker, and pulled out my schedule, and headed to music appreciation class.
Once I got to the music appreciation classroom, I slightly opened the door to see if there was anyone in there. And I saw that there were already five people in the classroom, playing guitar, ukulele, and just chatting.
I then walked in, took a seat, and got out my ukulele journal so that I could write some lyrics for a song that I have been thinking about writing. But I haven't because Malissa would blow up at me if she found out.
But that is why I would never let her know.
"Okay, class!" The music teacher said. "Please put your instruments away, the class will be starting soon!"
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