I had finished putting away my ukulele and closed my locker (that I still have from sixth grade) when I heard;
"Maddy, is that you?" Said the voice of my best friend.
"Ally?" I replied as I turned around. "So good to see you!"
"I know." Ally said. "How was yesterday?"
"It was pretty good," I said. "I cannot believe that we managed to make it into the same homeroom class. Even though we knew ever since the end of sixth grade."
"I know." Ally said. "I just hope that we have some classes together. I also hope that I am in the orchestra this year. But I mainly hope that I am in some classes with you."
"I know," I replied as we started walking to homeroom. "I also hope that we are not in a ton of classes with Malissa and her group. They are the worst. They came over yesterday, and they nearly threw my ukulele out of the window. I am just glad that I was able to yank it out of their hands. I still need to check its tuning. They might have switched some strings around."
"Welp," Ally said. "At least you don't take any offense to things like that anymore. But I would understand you being frustrated with them all of the time. It must be torture to live with a 'social self-obsessed' person like her."
"Anyways, I am excited for the new after school clubs that we might be able to be a part of!" I said in excitement. "I might want to try cheerleading. But Malissa will of course do it."
"I'll do the orchestra club." Ally said as we got to the homeroom classroom door. "Welp, we are going to be seeing what classes we have very soon!"
Once we got into the homeroom class, we saw that we were not going to have the most pleasant first period. Malissa and her group were in the same homeroom class as us, along with multiple other people that we did not know.
"Great," Ally whispered in my ear. "Now we are going to be miserable every morning."
"Don't worry Ally," I whispered back as we walked in. "Let's just sit down. She will not bother us in the presence of a teacher."
I quickly scanned the classroom for two free seats that were as far away from Malissa and her group as possible and saw that two empty seats were free close to the back of the classroom.
So I grabbed Ally's hand and dragged her over. She hates my sister after she had messed up her violins bowstrings a while ago. And she had to pay eighty dollars to fix it. Yep, not cheap. And she had to use her allowance money that she was saving up.
Once we had sat down, the homeroom teacher said;
"Let's give a few minutes for the rest of the class to get here." The teacher said. "But if you want to take a peek at your schedules, feel free to come up and grab them from my desk. Make sure to grab the ones that have your names on it so that you do not get mixed up with someone else's classes."
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