BEEP BEEP BEEP went my alarm clock. I quickly sat up in bed and pulled my glasses onto my face so that I could see better. I don't need to wear glasses all day, but they just help me in the mornings and while I am studying. I looked out of my window and saw that there were five robins sitting in the branches of the tree that is right next to my bedroom window.
I saw that there was a very familiar robin that was sitting in the tree, and I smiled. That robin is one of the only friends that I have. I only have one friend at school, and her name is Ally. She too is smart and is not popular, and she plays the violin.
Whenever I wake up, I would feed the robins in the tree some seeds that I keep in a small dish on my bedside table.
So I grabbed the small dish, and walked over to the window, opened it, and put some seeds on the little ledge outside of my window. It is just enough space for the robins to sit on to eat.
I then closed the window so that the robins could eat in peace. Also because I would need to change and get ready for school so that I would not be late for my first day of seventh grade. I am pretty nervous, but I mainly would just focus on school. And of course not neglect my friend Ally.
Once I had finished getting dressed, I put my glasses in my glasses case and into my backpack, I grabbed my backpack and went to the kitchen so that I could have some breakfast before going to school.
I got to the kitchen to see that Malissa and our mom and dad were having some breakfast. I saw that there was nothing else left for me, so I just grabbed some fruits, milk, and yogurt so that I could make a smoothie so that I could still have something to fill me up so that I could go to school without having an empty belly.
Once I had finished blending it up, I poured it into my water bottle so that I could drink it, and be able to have it all, even after my mom and dad send me and Malissa off to school.
By the time I had finished half of my smoothie, my mom and dad sent me and Malissa off to walk to school. We did not live too far away from the school that I and Malissa go to, so we did not have to wait for a bus at a bus stop. It is also a decent form of exercise.
Once Malissa and I had been walking for about five minutes, Malissa said;
"When we get to school, don't talk to me," Malissa said.
"Why would I want to talk to you?" I asked. "I don't even talk to you at home, let alone at school."
"Good," Malissa said. "I don't need you ruining my life like you nearly did last year by playing your stupid ukulele in the talent show. You nearly took away my social status."
What Malissa just said about me nearly stealing her social status made me fume! Did she seriously think that I want to be popular? I only played my ukulele at the talent show because I love to play my ukulele. And Ally told me to just try new things.
But Malissa is not worth my time, and I did not want to show a reaction because that is probably what she wants to get out of me.
Once we had got to school, Malissa immediately ran ahead to meet up with her friends, while I just continued to walk so that I do not get in trouble with the hall monitors, and also so that I do not get tired.
Once I had gotten to my locker, I put my ukulele in my locker so that I would not have to carry it to the home room class that I am going to be in. Last year on the last day of school, it said on our report cards wich homeroom class we would be in so that we do not get confused.
And in homeroom, we would be getting our schedules. So I am very excited.
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