An anthropomorphic chicken wakes up at what it looks like an abandoned and destroyed building. On his search for food, he'll find out he's not alone.
This project has been on my hands since 2014-2015, with multiple tries, starting with "I'm a Fucking Chicken", following with "ThePolloMan" and now, "How to Deal with the Shadows". Even though it's technically the final version of Chapter One, it still is a experimental project, as you can see constantly changing the drawing style and evolving from handwriting to a custom font. Thanks for reading!
Oh. My. God. You have no idea of how proud I I am! It's so exciting seing it published after seing how much you work on this comic. It's a really good job and, god, I can't wait to see the second part!
After the odd dissapearance of humanity, dark creatures known as The Shadows has claimed our world during the night. Only one person can discover the misterys behind the ruins of Blackton, and the key to save the last memories of the humans, and that person is a chicken.
Created & written by SkipedyXes.
English Translation Support by Ximenana_13 & Hellenuchi4. Read more
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