LATE AGAIN! I was going to publish the third day, okay, not as promised, but Internet is also to blame.
Three days without internet, it was nightmare.
Things get interesting in the next part! Pray for me guys, pray so I can draw the next part.
Thank you for your patience.
(IT WAS NOT A WEEK! ALMOST, BUT I WON, maybe things can get better for me...)
Update 20/06/2015
There is something wrong with the way I see the colors in my PC, but in my laptop they seem normal? The same thing with my I-pod, I can see them perfectly .
If someone can explain this to me I would be very grateful.
Everyone wants a normal life, without problems, and to forget the past
Without remembering his life before moving to his actual home with his dad and sister, Karim will have to deal with some problematic persons and situations that he wish he could just avoid.
And even though he don't like how things can be messed up so suddenly,
What can a kid do?
He will met with an "old friend" of the family who came to spend days with them before the first day of school.
The "first" meet up of those two couldn't have mean anything, right?
Teens problems, school chores, suspicious people, the dirty society we live in and the nightmares that with each night, become worse.
There is no one who could help, and even if there was, what could probably that person do? ...
"There's so much you knew, but right now..."Read more
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