Hey everyone! I just wanted to take a moment to thank all of you for subscribing and for all of the comments you guys have been leaving! It definitely means a lot, and I hope that you guys continue to enjoy the series as the comic's story TRULY begins!
On a side note, once the story progresses a little bit more (say, at roughly page 38 of this chapter), I'm thinking of opening up a Q&A session for the characters. Let me know what you guys think!
"Immortality...is a curse, and I would never wish that fate upon anyone..."
James is a hellhound who was created to serve Death by collecting the souls of the dead and acting as a guardian of one of the nine rings of Hell. Believing that he lives a cursed existence, James soon discovers that his life is entangled with the whims of an ominous prophecy that seems to spell out his almost certain death. However, he refuses to believe that he is not in control of his own destiny...Read more
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