As soon as the APCs came to a complete stop, everyone hurried out and assembled in front of the general and her staff.
Lt.West was in front of the unit as he ordered the men to attention.
The unit stood at attention as West gave his report.
"General Winter. The DCU Special Ranger Unit awaiting orders" West shouted as he salutes.
Gen.Winter nodded as she returns the saluted.
"Nicely done rangers. I am relieved that you all return in one piece" She said as she took a good look at the unit.
General Susan Winter also is known as "The Ice Queen" due to her being a DCU operative with the power over ice element. She is the youngest general in the DCU and one of their brightest tactician. Hero of the battle of New York and savior of Manhattan.
Voren and Anna were starstruck and in awe just from being in her presence. The General had golden eyes with blueish white hair.
"Lt.West give your unit the rest of the day off and have the two new operatives see me in my office after they settle in," Winter said before departing with her staff.
"Yes, ma'am. Thank you general" West replied and did an about-face to face the unit. "Company. The general is giving you the rest of the day off. You are free to do whatever you wish. Morning line up will be at 0630 hours. Until then.....Company..dismiss."
Megumin rushed over to Voren and Anna and offered to take them to their quarters. "Come on, I will show you where your quarters are," she said cheerfully.
Voren and Anna happily take Megumin offer and followed her to the barracks where they dropped off their things before heading over to the base main building.
Voren and Anna made their way to the general office on the 6th floors where they are met with the general's secretary. The secretary informs them that they are expected and allow them in.
The general was inside sitting behind a huge desk as she noticed them and welcome them in.
"Welcome Pvt.Asher...Pvt.Forren"Gen.Winter said and stood up.
"I ask you to come to meet me here is because I wish to give you your orders personally."
"You two are replacing two scouts we lost a few weeks ago. It is a dangerous job but with your skills and power, I know you will fulfill your duty"
"Yes, general. Not for self, but for duty" Voren said pridefully.
Anna smiled and nodded. "Duty before life"
The general nodded and hand them their orders.
"Pvt.Asher. Report to your unit at 0500. The 6th scout corp"
"and Pvt.Forren. Report to your unit at 0500. The 13th scout unit"
Anna and Voren saluted sharply.
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