Chapter 16
Nov 06, 2018
Chapter 16
The team had some covering to do before Aliyah could begin her training.
Anyway, I tried something new this time. Digital inking. Before, I would pencil and ink traditionally, scan it, then finish the rest digitally. But I was never truly happy with the quality of the inking. I’ve been meaning to ink digitally since the beginning of ‘Episode 2’, but deciding to hold it.
Not this time.
I have to say, I like the way it turned out. It’s a lot smoother, and the convenience of digital drawing allow me to add more details in the background. Also, I find that I can finish the comic a lot quicker this way.
So I guess moving forward this is how I will proceed.
Alrite, that’s all for this post. Hope you enjoy the comic. And as usual, if you liked the comic, show your support! Subscribe, give it a like and a share!
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