Chapter 15
Oct 05, 2018
Chapter 15
Aliyah’s first day at Sanctuary.
I thought there’d be less pages for this part, but it turns out to be the same amount. I’m trying a new script format, you see, so I’m still not used to guessing how many pages would end up.
Also, I need to mention that this version is little bit different from the one on my Patreon. No, don't worry, the story and plot is completely the same. I just changed a few risque panels. Think of this as a SFW version.
Incidentally, I have a Patreon! (See what I did there?) You can follow the link here: www.patreon.com/miormuneer
Anyway, I hope you guys like this. I’m always open to any comments and criticisms. And of course, as usual, if you liked this, show your support! Subscribe, give it a like, and a share!
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