Hi guys! Sorry for the long wait again. I'm hoping to get the next chapter in as soon as I can (it will be a short one).
Some sad news I want to share with you guys ;n; as I was completing this chapter, MediBang (the art app I use to create this dojinshi) completely emptied the folder I had with all of my art work. Mind you, it was a year's worth of work, and this includes all of the art work I had for this comic. fortunately I have all of the full resolution images of the pages saved somewhere else and no new art work for it was deleted, but I am beyond furious and saddened because of this. I just hope their support team can help restore my work.
I'm not a happy camper atm. xD
I want to thank everyone for hanging in there and for all the support! I really am grateful!! :)
I hope you all enjoy this!
Come talk to me if you'd like! :D
instagram: anaturalsuperfan
tumblr: anaturalsuperfan
Dean Winchester and Castiel Novak quickly became great friends while in preschool. Unfortunately, due to certain circumstances, they were abruptly separated for years... but there are some things you just don't forget...
fan-comic inspired by the television show Supernatural.Read more
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