Chapter 11
Apr 06, 2018
“The Broken and The Damned - Chapter 11”
OK, this one was really late, and I truly apologize for it. I was swamped by a lot of work in real life. We’re talking deadlines 2 - 3 days apart kinda shit here. So I had to jump back and forth between that and this comic. So, once again, I am truly sorry for this. I’m going straight into working on the next part to catch up.
Anyway, yeah, so the monster showed up, finally! Also, I wanted to try adding more colors, tell me what you guys think. And I’m not at all satisfied with the way the last few pages turned out, but I was in a hurry by that time. Still, I hope you guys enjoy this!
And of course, as usual, if you liked this comic, show your support! Subscribe, give it a like and a share!
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